Reviews for Back to where we started
Lengleu chapter 17 . 4/26
I just read the whole story in one go and I loved it! I especially like how you managed to wrap up everybody's story, not just that of Rose and Dimitri. I sometimes feel the other characters get neglected a bit, but that definitely wasn't the case with your story :)
Pheldda chapter 17 . 11/20/2019
Nice story.
Swimming the Same Deep Waters chapter 17 . 10/13/2019
Awww a little one on the way! Love it!

Nice story - enjoyed it a lot :)
ginabowman2005 chapter 17 . 10/13/2019
I loved this story. I am so glad I read it this morning.

I think having the time apart was good for Rose and Dimitri and I'm VERY glad he told Tasha to leave him alone, cut ties to her. I love that it all worked out in the end, I'm a little sad that Christian and Lissa didn't make it but she wasn't worthy of him for such a long time, Vika is a great match for him.

Did Stan know Tasha was in the cabin? Why would he argue with them to keep them from checking it out? What would he care?

I love that they ended up in Portland. How fitting. I think Rose turned out wonderfully. Being in business with her father and having her own career showed that she is more than fodder for the Moroi.

I would have liked to have some mention of the Queen trials so that we could see how them leaving left Court. If they didn't have a good Queen or King then everything that Rose and the gang had done would have fallen by the wayside. In that line of thought, I'd probably have liked Lissa to still be on the Council in some way so that she could vote no on things that weren't good for the Dhampir. But I know she's happier by living her life in the human world.

Overall I'm very glad to have read your story.
debpreato chapter 17 . 10/13/2019
Fantastic and beautiful story. So well done...enjoyed every chapter...thank you
Kyra chapter 16 . 10/7/2019
Nooooooooooo!how could you do that?!seriously?! Tasha is a b****! All this is Stan's fault! Idiot!argh! Please please please update soon! Can't wait for more!
russia2774 chapter 16 . 10/9/2019
tasha you jealous biatch you better hope he makes it or you better hope hans gets to you before rose does,more updates please loving it
JZIBE chapter 16 . 10/6/2019
Nooo, That cliffhanger was cruel.
Please don’t kill Dimitri!
Swimming the Same Deep Waters chapter 16 . 10/6/2019
Hmmmmmmm - please don't let this happen :'( :'(
selairalynn chapter 16 . 10/6/2019
omg... that cliff hanger literally made me through my phone. not cool!
Kyra chapter 15 . 9/30/2019
Loooove it!can't wait for more! Poor vika and Christian! I really like lissa being good now!Sonya and mikhail are sooo sweet! Update soon please!
russia2774 chapter 15 . 9/30/2019
lots more updates please loving it
russia2774 chapter 14 . 9/25/2019
Loving it please more updates
Swimming the Same Deep Waters chapter 14 . 9/22/2019
Dimitri tied to a bed - yeah that does it for me ;)
debpreato chapter 14 . 9/22/2019
They work so well together getting it all done. Lol..especially Roza and nice quicky.
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