Reviews for Power corrupts
Aragorn II Elessar chapter 1 . 6/20/2019
Nice one-shot.

While I haven't watched Supergirl Season 4 at all except the crossover episode and probably will not watch it at all, I do know some things that happened.

And yeah, it is a bit weird that Lena trusts the government. Good that James talked some sense into her.

Good job.
AspergianKnight chapter 1 . 6/20/2019
I fully agree that it doesn't make sense. But then, it doesn't make sense for Lena (who has been purported to be vastly more intelligent than either Lex or Lillian) to not know that Kara is Supergirl long before Lex's 'epic reveal' at the end of the season, either. The government contract and the 'epic reveal' was clearly them deciding that they wanted Lena to become the New Lex. Or at least that's my takeaway. Plot over character development is the watch cry of the Arrowverse.