Reviews for Judgement of Fire
Major Mike Powell III chapter 3 . 7/27/2019
Well, well, Li'l Lily, Jojo-san~

Hoo-rrah! 1st Review, Btches~!

First off: Uhhh, Rex-san, Jojo-san...who is telling the truth here? XD I read you guys' reviews kind of contradicts the other. Make up your mind, amirite? LOL Rex-san, *do* you want bloodshed or not? ;P

Second: this was absolutely amazing~ *O* My. Goodness. Yuri-chan on her own is wonderful, but when she and Jojo-san's powers combine? Ohhh *wow* you two make an incredible fighting team~!
(Snickers) Very fitting for a *team*-based fighting game like "King of Fighters". XD

However, while Vice had Mature to back her up...Athena had no-one. The anguish. The pain. Oh my God that was emotionally-charged...when she had nobody to back *her* up...and yet thank God for Mai regaining her strength and stepping in to save her beloved Athena~! *O*

And then~! XD Kula and Sylvie? Yup~ XD God bless those sweethearts, the "little kids" team~ LOL They absolutely saved the day! *O* And...Yuri-chan...because it needs to be said: this is "King of Fighters", not "Mortal Kombat", woman! X'D

And that ending? Vice and Mature getting lectured into submission and accepting defeat by the morally righteous and victorious? Maaaaan~ XD Yuri-chaaaaan, why are you so afraid of a little blood~? ;P be absolutely fair...Athena *is* the Goddess of *Wisdom* as well as Warfare,'s appropo that a young maiden with the goddess' namesake be this beautifully wise and well-intended preachy. :P

And *dat* end? *O* That, ohhh that? *That* was *all* Yuri-chan, right there~ The lovers, the maidens of ninja and idol love snuggling and cuddling and smooching, their bodies, ohhh those gorgeous, battle-hardened yet oh~so~soft bodies embraced by exquisite silk...yup~ Yup~ (Heart)

Fantastic work, Yuri-chan, and~you Jojo-san. You two aren't *always* on the same page, but when you are? Ohhh that's incredible~

Semper-Fi! Carry on!
Rex Madison chapter 3 . 7/27/2019
*wishes he could draw, just so he could do fanart of that last scene 8D*

Aw, man, lol. Worth the wait, worth the wait! :D So many highs (and a couple lows) here I think I'll just take them in sequence. First off I liked how Vice and Mature stole Mai's powers; I know you and I talked about that a bit, but you did a lot more than just take my advice ;) I also like that Athena's developing a habit of treating Kula like a kid. For one thing, it could be a plot point for a future fic, if you do one (please do!). For another, it shows she's gotten over thinking she's falling in love with her o_o;;

Things only picked up when the fight started, too. Mature was absolutely brutal - am I rubbing off on you Yuri⁇ - but Athena still kicked her butt. Total awesome :D Vice kicking HER butt was cool too, though, and well-written. I loved the sequence where she flung Athena into the air; showing her failing to teleport was a very nice touch, while Vice got a little, uh, *excited* without going overboard, hehe.

But then we come to my main problem here: Mai vs. Vice. I was so happy Athena saved Mai, then lost - but held out long enough for MAI to save HER :D So I was pretty disappointed when Mai went down like a sack of potatoes. Sure, no powers, and sure we needed to get Kula and Sylvie in there...but I feel like she kinda got the shaft in this story :/

The rest was cool again though. Sylvie was great this time (beep boop beep!), and Kula was just fantastic. People tend to forget that she was practically a Goth at first, so it's nice to see someone give her a dark side - and a PROGRAMMED dark side, not just a hidden strength like Athena's. I'd love to see this concept revisited in future fics - both from you guys and everyone else :)

And, again, the ending was aww, sho shweet ~v~ Stay happy you two, lol.

Many thanks to Jojo for the assist! He deserves credit for a lot here, though I'm not sure EXACTLY which parts :P Tbh, though, I hope the next fic is all yours, Yuri. I've gotten used to your writing; it represents simpler, sweeter times, away from all the Darkest Nights and Puppetmasters and other gritty sagas. Seeing it clash with Jojo's at points was just...WEIRD, lol. Still, if an assist was needed to put THIS one to bed, I'm all for it :) So thanks to both you and Jojo for the read, and I'll be hoping for more!

(...I'm showing my biases here, aren't I. :P Sorry to everyone I've only given shorter reviews; Athena just INSPIRES me, lolol.)
jojoDO chapter 2 . 7/4/2019
Another solid chapter. It's become apparent that Mature and Vice's men are no longer interested in Psycho Power; they seem to want Mai's flames, primarily. Honestly, Mai might be the easiest of the bunch to nab. I sure wouldn't want to have a go at Athena, and I bet if they tried to kidnap Kula she'd turn them into ice pops in the blink of an eye. It looks like Mai's been singled out.

Let's talk about the end of this chapter... HO HO HOOLY SHITE. Heh. You're speaking Rex's language here, Yuri! I'm sure he had goosebumps when he read Athena twisting that guy's arm, and then... that neck break. OOOF! That's right up Rex's alley. That's the dark side of Athena he loves. I'm sure you made his day with that little segment.

I can't believe it's only one more chapter... guess we'll see how this ends.
Rex Madison chapter 2 . 7/1/2019
Whooooooa. DEWD. Psycho Soldier indeed :D

The first half of the chapter was nice enough by itself. Mai's confidence might be misguided - SHE was the one who got saved, after all - but it made a nice counterpoint to Athena's worry. I liked Athena slipping up and treating Kula like a kid for a second, too. Reminded me of her doing it in KOF13, hehe.

The SECOND half, though, was downright awesome :D Athena's reaction to the murders was spot on, as was her gaining strength when the men mentioned Mai was in trouble. (You even had her unable to teleport while restrained! That's my headcanon too, lol XD) She knocked out the goons quickly and beautifully, thanks to more strong telekinesis and a SUPER-strong Reflector. She DID go a little nuts during the interrogation - but she was trying to save Mai, so I think it's within reason. ...and even if it wasn't, it still kicked ass :D :D

The only part I didn't like was Athena needlessly killing the guy afterwards. That seemed a little harsh, especially since she didn't bother to off the other three attackers too. But I'm reserving judgment here, because you said you had a reason for it. This intrigues me, lol. Here's hoping it leads to something good :D

All in all, a very interesting chapter in a pretty damn good story. Thanks for the read, and I'm looking forward to more!
Major Mike Powell III chapter 2 . 7/1/2019
Well, well, Li'l Lily~

Haaah, I was actually waiting for Jojo-san and Rex-san to review ahead of me, but meh~! LOL

This was so cool, so badass, so wicked, and had such a feeling of impending dread the further the chapter goes~ Like, my goodness.

From a su~per lighthearted, cute, flirty, adorable and sweet opening of Mai vowing to protect Athena and viceversa, plus a side of Kula 'cuz she's a friggin' adowable cinnamon roll...the lovers have their responsibilities...and shiiiiiiit, Mai! DX Oh my goodness...the...the bastards!

Good thing Athena went from hunted to hunter (snaps his fingers) just like that. Those scumbags had everything coming. Athena went far and away from defense and straight into offense~ My. Goodness~

*That* is what Psycho Power, true Psycho Power is! 8D Mmmhmmm! Daaayum! She made that bastard talk...and she *did* spare his other arm~ Athena didn't lie. Now, off she goes to save her lady! Go go Athena! Go save your beloved ninja maiden! *O*

Great work, Yuri-chan! You truly had a lot of fun writing this, and so did I reading it~! Let's wrap this up! Finish the Fight~!

Semper-Fi! Carry on!
hyperomegasonic26 chapter 2 . 6/30/2019
Wow, now you've gotten heavy in that chapter.

Athena-chan killed a thug who tried to kill her!

Tell me one thing, were the ideas I went through that made you write this or did you already plan this from the beginning?
jojoDO chapter 1 . 6/22/2019
Not a bad start. I like the way everything felt balanced. It started out light, with that classic YuriChan fluff lol. Sexy outfits and a date, and all that good stuff. Hehe. The calm before the storm.

And then things got kinda WILD when those creeps in suits came along. Now, this is how I'm seeing this... so their main objective is to capture one of them to acquire power for Mature and Vice? They started out wanting Athena's Psycho Power, then they changed their mind and decided to go for Mai? Seems to be like they should just skip the dilemma and go for them BOTH. Double power!

In any case, Athena really shined in this first chapter with her awesome power. FLipping a car...badass! And I also wanted to mention a particular moment I liked: that little traumatic moment of fear, when she was literally just swinging at nothing in particular. That felt really authentic to me, like a REAL person would be fearful.

And lastly, I wanted to give you kudos for what you're doing to Mature and Vice lol. They're definitely villain material, and I like how you REALLY switched them up in this story. In canon, they really don't care that Iori killed them. They STILL hang out with him, even as ghosts. Masochists. But in YOUR story, they have a much more... sane... motivation. I mean, if some guy ripped my and my partner's guts out, I wouldn't want to be all friendly with him. I'd want freaking revenge!

You've actually given the villains a nice bit of moral depth here. We're supposed to dislike them for trying to kidnap Mai and Athena, but we also feel SYMPATHY for them because they just want revenge on the asshole that slaughtered their mortal selves. Very good!

Boy, I had a lot to say for this first chapter lol. I guess that means you hit a home run this time ; ) keep it up!
Rex Madison chapter 1 . 6/21/2019
Oh, hey, you got to this one pretty fast! Cool to see...and cool to read, hehe :) The pair's shopping trip was pretty sweet, especially with Mai trying to influence Athena's wardrobe. I'd never really thought about that, actually! But it makes sense - she's tried to give other women advice, too - and I'd LOVE to see the results ;) You also sprinkled in some neat little "anime" moments, which I don't see in fics much these days. Reminds me of my anime phase, lol.

Things picked up, though, when we got to the fighting. Or they did for ME, anyway - cuz holy crap, did Athena save the day or what!? :D Badass enough to see her FLIPPING A CAR, then pounding it into the concrete...but that Psycho Ball frenzy just took the cake. What a cute lil' menace XD

Kudos for using Vice and Mature as the villains, rather than some faceless organization. Should be interesting to see what they do with Mai's power if they get it...not to mention why they're gunning for Iori in the first place. ;) Looking forward to it!
Nanomemes chapter 1 . 6/21/2019
Ohhh vice mature vs Yag. Interesting. Wonder how that's gonna pan out. I guess they need fire to fight fire.

I'll be reading this.

hyperomegasonic26 chapter 1 . 6/21/2019
Well, we had our turn with NESTS being represented by Angel on the issue of kidnapping our beloved Athena and Mai, now came the turn of Orochi being represented by Mature and Vice to use their powers to carry out their own purposes in relation to Iori Yagami, These purposes were finally revealed in The King of Fighters A New Beginning which explained why Mature and Vice caused nightmares in him and why they always offered to form a trio with him despite having killed them years ago; to use it in the future so that Orochi can rensacer to the world again when owning the last descendant of the Yagami clan that still continues alive because he has partial blood of Orochi in its veins.

So I guess it will fit Leona and someone else (I bet it's Whip) to rescue Athena and Mai and end the party of these two Hakkesshus.

After Orochi, will the group Those from of The Past try to kidnap the two girls after that?
Major Mike Powell III chapter 1 . 6/21/2019
Well, well, Li'l Lily~

Ahhh, so now Jojo-san isn't the only one working with Rex-san, huh~? LOL Oh Yuri-chan~

Now, thishere...ohhh my~ Oh my~ My goodness. Athena and Mai's mall and shopping date goes extremely awry and they have to fight off not one, but *two* kidnappings? Holy shit. LOL

This was so cute, so badass~ *O*

Athena and Mai...wearing...Sexy Nurse outfits...oh God that's so~much *yup* doe. Oh wow. *O* And then, the sexy and cute turns to incredibly tense and action packed! Wow~

Those three goons? They may have outnumbered the ladies, but they were utterly and completely outpowered~! *O*

Of course, I got bloodthirsty and wished for Mai to incinerate that bastard after interrogating him and~I soooo~wish Athena had gone *full* on Ermac on those bastards, too. LOL Like, *damn* she absolutely *rekt* their shit with that car! XD

The choreography was amazing, got the blood pumping and it was just badass~ And now, Mature and Vice want power to smoke that fucking psycho bastard, Iori. Oh. My~ Oh my~ My goodness. They want some o' dat pyrokinesis, eh? And huuuh. They wanted Mai? I thought they wanted Athena's Psycho Power. Heh, neat, neat~o! Good twist! :D

This amazing, Yuri-chan~

Mission Start!

Semper-Fi! Carry on!