Reviews for Persona 5 Plus 2: Goodbye to Ghosts
Tenzalucard123 chapter 25 . 5/25
Ren have problems right?
DragonPawLady chapter 24 . 5/18
*squeals in alarm* ohcrapohcrapohcrapohcrapthisisnotgoodohcrapohcrap
Holy Mother of Boards this story has me on edge!
... ... ...
...can...can I have a RL Persona too please...?
Lone Oblivion chapter 24 . 5/20
No way ren is going down like this,there's no way
Tenzalucard123 chapter 24 . 5/18
Poor Makoto ... But Ren will be fine right? He must be next to his beloved Queen ...!
Lone Oblivion chapter 23 . 5/16
Ren got screwed badly with that kick. Hopefully he's okay in the next chapter
Tenzalucard123 chapter 23 . 5/4
Ren... Dont die!
MaskedKingDavid chapter 18 . 2/19
I can't even begin to describe how happy I was when I saw that you had updated!
Thank you for still continuing! I don't know why it's been so long since the last update but as a writer myself I understand how much outside forces can affect someone's work. Just know that I'm cheering you on in your writing!
J. R. Castle chapter 17 . 2/9
This and its prequel are some of the most criminally underrated stories I've managed to find on this site. Your style is clear and engaging, and I think the tone you set is particularly appropriate for the source material—a bit more edgy, but still within the margin of error, so to speak, and it comes off as a natural continuation to the game and these characters. You balance the psychological stress and angst with humor in a way that strengthens both and weakens neither; I can say "oh shit" out loud in one chapter and bust into sudden laughter in another, and that's something really special.

What impresses me the most is your treatment of Ren. Somehow, you manage to write a deliberate blank slate entirely in-character. I love his mindset, how it's so meticulously organized and structured around optimizing his time and relationships; this doubles as both a fascinating character trait and an ingenious translation of the player's efforts in the game to schedule and perform Ren's social life as effectively as possible. The other characters are of course well written, but the work you've done with this protagonist is in my opinion your greatest success here.

Honestly, I don't have much to complain about. I guess the villain here could be a bit more fleshed out, but we haven't even reached his palace and the way this whole situation comes about as a direct result of the last adventure feels very much like the string of infiltrations in the game, which gives me hope that this story will go on for a long time. Mostly I wanted to thank you for such a great story. I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
DragonPawLady chapter 1 . 2/7
Moar! Please!
Excellent writing! I'm looking forward to where this one goes! 'Between Sea and Stone' was amazing by itself, and I'm bouncing with impatience for this next chapter!
Tenzalucard123 chapter 17 . 1/7
Oh god
P5AreForKids chapter 1 . 12/6/2019
Does this mean that ren are just shitty joker OC that only appeals to kids?
IarIz chapter 9 . 9/14/2019
Yakuza war 0.0 all dirty, no chivarious Yakuza like movie Makoto admire.

and out Joker really good at this negotiation. welp its luck at work too.
IarIz chapter 6 . 9/4/2019
thx Ren always there when needed. and seriously Johanna just too good not to be used. xD i wanna ride Johanna in daylight n let people gawking at the bike coolness. xD but it got no licence so avoid trafic Police xD. or maybe illegal race?

its the black Screen of M rating. no wonder this wonder chapter feel short xD lmao. me gone to Other side for a bit.
IarIz chapter 5 . 9/4/2019
shiet. you gave me heart attack with thay end O.O

xD dear Makoto bringing that phone id issue on team meeting LoL.
i love Ann and Yusuke and his world of color.

Futaba and Morgana moment.
throw you many kudos.
Guest chapter 10 . 8/21/2019
Great fic so far,I hope you continue to update
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