Reviews for Broken
aslooneyastheyget chapter 1 . 7/19
I wish I could favourite this a thousand times! Ron and Hermione relationship is one of the things I hate the most in the hp series, and today you have debunked the myth that they are compatible with facts and logic, and I am honestly here for it. Hermione was very unlikable in hbp, mostly because JKR wrote her as a "godess who faces zero consequences for her actions". And Ron is just shoehorned into being paired with her, at the cost of his backbone and happiness! Their relationship is just dumb guy fawns over flawless woman tropey wish fulfillment, which honestly, can be quite cute if it is done right. But JKR just wrecks both of their characters for the sake of pairing them! This fic is a much needed fix for that, and kudos to you for that.
Thank you for writing, and sorry for the huge rant!
Snarry4life chapter 1 . 6/4
I think this was good. Ron is his own person and I can't stand Hermione ... like at all...
AnimeHuntress chapter 1 . 12/24/2019
Not sure if I like it, but it's well done. Maybe you'll do something from Hermione's point of view to even things out. This was one sided and I understand why. So not sure if I like it but it was a good read.
Right What Is Wrong chapter 1 . 11/16/2019
Good story. Don't agree with all the points, but Hermione acts vile toward Ron.

"their friendship was irreparably broken"
I wonder how said friendship would have looked from a non-Harry POV. One gets the sense at points that he figures 'Ron's friends with me and Hermione's friends with me, therefore Ron's friends with Hermione'. This oneshot does a good job of showing why that's not the case.
TroyWeb chapter 1 . 11/13/2019
Finally a story where Ron stands up for himself. This would help to put an end to all of the unnecessary arguments between Hermione and Ron. Ron would be better off with someone like Padma or Susan.

It amazes me the way Harry / Hermione shippers seem to ignore the way a female author like JK Rowling set up the three main protagonists of her children's fantasy books.

Harry - the abused male hero
Hermione - the idealized female sidekick
Ron - the marginalized male sidekick

Rowling deliberately depicted Ron to be a collection of anti-male clichés.

These are the same fans who ignore that Rowling created Hermione to be her own personal Mary Sue. The idealized female sidekick is written to have few flaws. She succeeds were the abused male hero and marginalized male sidekick fail. Getting good grades at a children's school does not make you morally superior.
fireball900 chapter 1 . 10/16/2019
I always love seeing someone doing an emotionally mature Ron. It's wonderful to see, and this was an excellent piece of character analysis.
Amorphous Blue Blob chapter 1 . 10/3/2019
YES! Although I have to agree with your guest reviewer who said that Ron would never be so hateful, it was nevertheless wonderful to see a fanfic that painted Hermione as being in the wrong-which, let's face it, she WAS-for a change.
I sort of wish there had been an opportunity to address Hermione's "emotional range of a teaspoon" comment, considering how many people claim that Ron is emotionally abusive because... I dunno, he tells Hermione she's a know-it-all once a week in third year? Not even a [pejorative} know-it-all. Just a know-it-all.
On the other hand, you addressed the Scabbers Incident, wherein fandom seems to treat Hermione as being in the right, despite that she had no idea that Scabbers was a Death Eater. If someone killed my dog or cat through their negligence, despite ample warnings, they wouldn't be my friend anymore (if, indeed, they ever were, given their gross indifference to the health of someone I cared about). Yet, the only canon comment we get is Hagrid telling Ron and Harry essentially: "You all are wrong. Hermione's pride is more important than your pet's life. Go comfort her." Canon could afford to have a lot of your comments inserted into it. It would be the stronger for it.
Sorry. I've been looking for a fic like this for quite some time, and the need to gush and rant overcame me.
Remusblack chapter 1 . 9/17/2019
I love Hermione but it feels so good to read this! Ron has flaws -because he's human- but when you read fanfictions he becomes the most horrible misogynistic idiotic villain Hogwarts has known while Hermione is seen as flawless and perfect. It's annoying because it's so widespread. I hope real life isn't so black and white for all those writers/fans/readers...
redstickbonbon chapter 1 . 9/7/2019
Amen! Well done.

I think a lot of Hermione "uber" fans and Ron haters confuse fanon with canon.
mistrali chapter 1 . 8/23/2019
It’s been a while since I’ve read canon, but I agree with this, on the whole. The canary thing was especially egregious, and I never bought R/Hr based on the strength of their bickering alone.
pfkman23 chapter 1 . 7/30/2019
If Ron had any sort of awareness or realization, I could see him saying this. And even if he didn't, snapping back at Hermione would have looked pretty similar in my head. Well done.
Aoi Usa chapter 1 . 7/3/2019
I don’t care what other people says about this but this is a good story. Yes Ron have his faults and he knows it, but Hermione doesn’t realize her faults and she always get mad or teary eyes when people correct her or say her faults. She always get mad when nobody follows her beliefs and ignores others beliefs. She never keeps her promises and she doesn’t tell a full depth of her story and gets other students into trouble while she get out scot-free. Again I really like this story.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/24/2019
Nope - going to write this one - no way would Ron be that hateful
Guest chapter 1 . 6/23/2019
I liked this. Im glad that ron stood up for himself. I never understood why people assumed that RON would be the abuser when hermione always escalated their fights. Whenever he was mad at her he would argue and ignore her but would never pull a wand on her or hit her. Hermione was always the one that did that. And MOST of their fights was because hermione wouldn't listen to rons opinions and he had good points. Like with the SPEW and in fifth year when she was on that "freeing the house elves via trickery" kick. Don't get me wrong, ron wasn't entirely blameless either but everyone seems to think that hes entirely to blame for all of their fights when the only thing that would avert the fight is to just be a doormat for hermione.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/22/2019
Honestly he had a few points but he is a bully and a people user himself so he hasn't much room to talk.
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