Reviews for Returning Home
Ghostwriter chapter 10 . 6/28
Awesome chap. I love it.
Ghostwriter chapter 9 . 3/3
Aww, love to see them being so playful together.
Filipinagirl04 chapter 9 . 3/3
You should change the format of the story. It’s hard to understand it.
megan.real chapter 9 . 3/3
Chapter 9 was attacked my the Microsoft metadata monster - could you repost as plain text, please?
Aargemtum chapter 5 . 2/28
This is the third time I read your story and I really love it. I hope that you're well and in the mood to write and if you don't that's okay too.

Kudos 3
Ghostwriter chapter 8 . 1/20
I love it. Well done.
CocoRocks chapter 8 . 10/5/2019
Interesting chapter.
CocoRocks chapter 7 . 9/8/2019
Interesting update.
Guest chapter 6 . 7/20/2019
"Your" means "belonging to you"; "you're" is a contraction for "you are". You would do well to seek out a Beta. Although you write well, everybody can learn, and they will help you to convey your thoughts more succinctly.
CocoRocks chapter 3 . 7/9/2019
What a great update.
CocoRocks chapter 2 . 6/29/2019
What a great update. I look forward to the next chapter.
CocoRocks chapter 1 . 6/28/2019
Interesting story so far. Keep up the good work.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/23/2019
WOW! Waiting anxiously for the next chapter!