Reviews for Izuku- The Void Monk
Inritus chapter 5 . 8/9
It was good up until the boss fight and then Izuku has a LSD trip. Not going to lie this was a fairly shitty way to end this and while I enjoyed it I also felt I wasted my time. I honestly felt you had a good thing going and while I admit I only started to read it today, I was looking forward to see how you handled his two years before UA and beyond. Was also hoping to see how he handles Bakugou and who he date's if anyone.
So I'll say thanks for the story that I was given and a little fuck you for the ending I received lol.
Inritus chapter 3 . 8/9
This was hilarious lol, finally someone attacks during a monolog lol.
Inritus chapter 2 . 8/9
I'm curious if he's able to grind his stats, guess I'll find out if I keep reading lol. It was interesting to see how he suddenly stopped caring about flame boiled goblins so quickly lol.
Inritus chapter 1 . 8/9
This is a very good start in my opinion and with interesting class choices to boot. I'm curious on where your be taking this.
WeberCode chapter 5 . 8/1
Next Chapter!
PasiveNox chapter 2 . 7/29
PasiveNox chapter 1 . 7/29
Ultimate Pervy Sage chapter 1 . 7/29
Seems nice so far, I do like class systems in these types of stories, gives some restrictions to the character that they have to work around.
Shaedy.Mo chapter 5 . 7/29
Well this sucks. I just recently discussed this story and I really liked it and I was hoping to see it goes. As much as I LOVE LitRPG, I know how much of a pain it can be to write. Which is why I can't really fault for pulling the plug on this story.

Anyways, I thank you for this wonderful experiment that you provided us and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
WolfessLizi chapter 5 . 7/29
What a bummer! I did really like this story and how it was going. You’re the author though so you can do whatever you want. Good luck with your other stories.
SevenMapleAce chapter 5 . 7/29
Shaedy.Mo chapter 4 . 7/20
Shouldn't Izuku try mental and physical excercises in the real world to see if he could increase his stats WITHOUT having to waste his stat points this early on?
Atryx10 chapter 2 . 12/27/2019
Weak metal
Have you heard of steel? It's iron mixed with carbon.
Most metals are weaker than iron.
Atryx10 chapter 1 . 12/27/2019
wouldn't Izuku only take 1 class at a time, since he can level up infinitely, and taking 1 class at a time lets him level his classes up a lot faster?
HaydosMivill chapter 2 . 12/11/2019
I wonder if Izuku will become desensitised to killing, since as he grows, he will slowly gain a kill streak.
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