Reviews for Obake Itoko
The Authverlord chapter 17 . 9/5
And so the story continues. Wonder how Obake will feel settling back into SFIT. Chances are him meeting Granville again will certainly cause a lot of drama :)
MAT-2001 chapter 6 . 7/4
Nice story
superkoola chapter 15 . 6/27
What a rollercoaster!

Can't wait to see the finale! :D
The Authverlord chapter 15 . 6/26
Ironically, I mentioned how Obake means "a thing that changes" yet I meant in a literal way like a shapeshifter. Now I see the story was actually about Obake changing himself in a figurative way through his interactions with Hiro and Aunt Cass, similar to how Stitch changes through his relationship with Lilo.

Brilliant as always and cannot wait for the next chapter :)
The Authverlord chapter 14 . 6/12
I just love how much influence Lilo and Stitch has on the story and characters. The shout out was greatly appreciated too.

Just a quick note: Obake is a term that means something that changes, referring to either transformation or shapeshifting. Now I know the word itself is translated as ghost in English but the original meaning got me thinking about how different Obake in this story would be if he was a shapeshifter. Like he hides his monster form within a human-like one similar to how Stitch shapeshifts into a dog-like creature in order to better blend in and not stick out so much (because he is an alien).
The Authverlord chapter 13 . 5/8
Can't wait to see Obake's suit. Probably going to look super evi- I mean good ;)
The Authverlord chapter 12 . 4/10
Thanks for the shout out! I love how you write Obake's thought processes and how quickly someone like Gogo catches onto them. It's like she knows Obake is a bad influence on Hiro and worries for him. Also, I like how no one else from the group knows about Obake. Like he was a literal ghost who wandered the halls of SFIT, unseen and undetected, now entering their lives through Hiro.

Hopefully while Gogo, Fred, Honey Lemon, and Wasabi are getting their suits made they can interact with Obake. Can't wait to see how that works out :)
The Authverlord chapter 11 . 3/7
A nice little take on this scene. It portrays the characters and events very nicely.

Next Chapter: Obake and his plot to make Hiro friendless. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
The Authverlord chapter 10 . 2/15
Now that the montage is out of the way, Obake and Hiro can take Baymax out to fight a supervillain. I'm sure everything will go as planned :)
The Authverlord chapter 9 . 2/12
And so the adventure begins. But for Obake, it's an opportunity for him to gain a hold on Hiro and teach him to work without limits. A solid plan but with just one minor hitch: Hiro has four other friends and a big cuddly robot who will try to stop Obake from having Hiro go too far.
The Authverlord chapter 8 . 2/7
Another great chapter. I love how Obakes thought process clearly shows he is losing his grasp on what is right or wrong since he sees only the destructive potential for everything science-related (such as Hiro's Microbots). Granted, this may be because he was taught to work without limits and following his accident, Obake is trying to teach Hiro the same lesson.

Still, it's nice to see Obake having some semblance of guilt over whether or not he caused the explosion that killed Tadashi. I anticipate this will be a source of conflict and heartbreak between the two later on down the line. Probably when Obake's mental state is too deteriorated for him to realize his actions have caused so much grief and pain for young Hiro and his friends.
The Authverlord chapter 7 . 1/17
Oooohhhh :) Obake is setting things into motion. I like it. Thanks for the mention at the beginning. It was very honest. Also, I looked up Yosei and found it is a Japanese word meaning 'bewitching spirit', synonymous with the English term Fairy. Wonder who this mystery person is... and whether or not they will play a role in the future. Good job and keep it up :)
The Authverlord chapter 6 . 12/2/2019
I am thoroughly and truly interested in where this story is going. Those are the positives. Save for a few spelling and grammar mistakes here and there, you are proving yourself to be quite able when it comes to combining the events of the movie and the tv series whilst still adding in something new to the story. That alone makes it worth reading.

Also, nice hints to the fact that Granville believes Obake may be the one who caused the fire which killed Tadashi and Callaghan. Certainly going to drive a wedge between him and the gang when that little twist is revealed. Wonder if Gogo, Fred or Honey Lemon will recognize him? Wasabi certainly didn't. Then again, even with half his face covered, a few less than savory characters still remember him.
TheGeekno72 chapter 5 . 10/24/2019
Ah yes, enslaved Ralph references
infinitriniti chapter 5 . 10/5/2019
Snail mail jokes, yay! Also: Baymax respecting requests for anonymity is A.
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