Reviews for The In-Betweens
Guest chapter 8 . 6/8
sadly the prompt was over, but iam glad i found this one. it's so cuteee n u were doin great. i'll look forward for another chap, cheers.
aislinn chapter 2 . 6/4
this is the CUTEST fic abt them as genin i’ve ever read omg thank you sm
minimiai chapter 8 . 6/5
poor sasuke... must be feeling inferior.
growing up in a tragedy and apathy never be something to be proud of. in the middle of his redemption suddenly have a baby who want it or not pushed him harder to be more showing his love. [yeah, cz babies can't understand your silent treatment like their mom, sasuke -' ]
good thing sakura really patient and understanding.
congratulations mr. uchiha you marrying the right woman.
thank you for the sweet fic.
Mooongos chapter 8 . 6/5
️️saku-chan is always right
felina12 chapter 8 . 6/4
Awhh, their dynamic is so soft and adorable! Once again, thanks for sharing, and I hope you're keeping safe and healthy! Lots of love and support, Felina XD. #JunkTerrorBillNOW #OustDuterteNOW #BlackLivesMatter
Mooongos chapter 7 . 6/3
aAAaaaaajska so cute
minimiai chapter 7 . 6/3
we need a fancam for the moment baby scratching sasuke's face. please.
and heeeeyyy~~~~~ the future baby uchiha.
mr. uchiha really working hard in rebuild-the-clan mission.
minimiai chapter 6 . 6/3
awwww... my fingers curling... so cheesy saskeeee~~~ .
uchiha sasuke's face must be included in 7th wonders.
Mooongos chapter 6 . 6/2
Tropicallight chapter 6 . 6/2
Omg it's so cute. Sasuke is such a baby
AriannJS chapter 4 . 6/2
minimiai chapter 5 . 6/1
congratulations for being sakura's husband, mr. uchiha. you're the lucky one...

thanks for the cute fics...
felina12 chapter 5 . 6/1
Awhhhh, this piece was so soft and fluffyyy, why can't I stop smiling!? Thanks so much for sharing and I hope you are keeping safe and healthy. Lots of love and support, Felina XD.
minimiai chapter 4 . 6/1
mr. uchiha really take that in heart. lol...
and jiraiya really clown at that. he knows that man is sasuke and have a gut to said he's a fan. darn that frog.
minimiai chapter 3 . 6/1
ino is the greatest best friend in the naruto universe.
sakura lucky to have her. (i wish i have her too)
and... sasuke on the rescue! best boiiii...
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