Reviews for How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Hierarchy
Azrael The Deplorable chapter 1 . 7/22/2019
I don't see this really going anywhere. Why would the Quarians and Krogan join the Turian Hierarchy? Fuck if I know. Why are the Asari and Salarians even allies with the HSA? I don't know. Why has technology stopped advancing in the middle of a war to just of different ways of killing each other? Is efficiency not included into the society of humans. And the Asari trying to preach peace to Humanity while the Turians wish for their submission and subjugation. They would, in a Military Junta, would cut of by any interaction with human society and wouldn't have a chance to even try it. Then why would the Asari Republics and Salarian Union ally with the humans against the Hierarchy? Politics?

I'm not going to continue this. This is just trash. Could be good, if you started on a good foot.
atomicsub927 chapter 1 . 7/12/2019
Me humming the tune at the same time. I see you're a man of culture as well