Reviews for Supergirl Arrow Endgame (English version)
Guest chapter 14 . 4/8
If The Monitor is there, does it means that Crisis of Infinite Earths is still to happen? Isn't it unfair for the superheroes to go through this twice? For Supergirl to go through the death of her best Friend twice (first Barry's Decimation, then Oliver's Death)? Who will the Paragons be? Will Avengers-Earth survive the crisis or will they be excluded?
HailHydra145 chapter 11 . 2/23
I like this version of Supergirl. I think it make sense that she's like that
HailHydra145 chapter 11 . 2/23
When you write Nebula it's a she or her, not his or him
Guest chapter 14 . 11/15/2019
Crisis on Earth-X spills into the MCU and for an Arrowverse Avengers Crossover. Also Hydra is involved with Earth-X
Boardgamer88 chapter 14 . 10/23/2019
Nice Story. Hope you write the new crisis from the arrowverse. Maybe all the other earths (Earth-1, Earth 38) will end up merging with Earth-199999?
Raptor2216 chapter 2 . 10/7/2019
Just started reading this. Liking it so far.
tanamashu chapter 1 . 9/25/2019
I admire that you wrote a story. However, I would think with all these extra people there, they could do a better job in stopping Thanos. You left it the same outcome as the original. Why didn’t you change anything? Just wondering? You essentially made him able to beat anyone. When supergirl and Superman should be able to take him out. I was annoyed that in the movie they had captain marvel get defeated so easily. Those three are all faster then Thanos so what gives?
Red chapter 13 . 9/24/2019
Will you do something with Spider-Man Far From Home, maybe? Add Oliver possibly for a small role or no?
kenriot1214 chapter 9 . 9/24/2019
Hope you write the new infinite crisis from the arrowverse and make the avengers help them.
TheNameOfARiver chapter 13 . 9/24/2019
Great stories... Will you bring heros from mcu in crisis then? No pressure , but that will br fun to read.. best of luck with your upcoming projects. 3000
Razy Riddle chapter 13 . 9/24/2019 heartbreaking for me
Razy Riddle chapter 12 . 8/29/2019
I hate endgame...even all the endgame moment of action, funny are great...but its heartbreaking to one going tony last message for his companion and his Morgan...are they going to listen his message? Please let it be...
Arrowverse Fan 217 chapter 12 . 8/29/2019
Nice chapter. Please do Barry, Oliver and Kara with future MCU films.
kenriot1214 chapter 12 . 8/29/2019
I hated the kneeling thing I'm glad they left that out of the movie. I was wondering if you would have Oliver make the sacrifice over tony.
Jake H Voronkov chapter 11 . 8/21/2019
I implore you to keep the scene of the remaining Avengers kneeling to Tony in here after he dies.
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