Reviews for The Ice Queen of Hawkins
Envys-Kitty chapter 18 . 7/23
Aww this chapter legit made me cry poor Billy. He makes shitty decisions but still.
Envys-Kitty chapter 11 . 7/21
I love this story so much been bingeing ot the last few days but damn this chapter is so heartbreaking.
Guest chapter 23 . 7/13
This chapter was so good, they’re relationship is so cute
Lucy Greenhill chapter 23 . 7/11
Hey! Great chapter! Can’t wait for the next one! xoxo
Lucy Greenhill chapter 22 . 7/3
Hey! I just read your story and I totally love it so far! Can’t wait for the next update! xoxo
Lindsey Blythe chapter 24 . 4/27
I think the Billy story would be a great separate fic. For this one I don’t feel like Steven and Veronica are forced, I think they are supportive and good together and I would love to see more of this story. I also know that it is very difficult to write something if you just aren’t feeling it so even if it takes time I’d still love this story to continue. I 100% love this story but if you feel like writing something else I say go for it, but I’d love if this one stayed as is and maybe continued in future!
Shannon the chameleon chapter 24 . 4/28
I love that AU idea, it definitely sounds interesting and I would absolutely read it
DaWnSpRiDe chapter 24 . 4/28
I don’t feel the Steve and Veronica love is being forced, it seems pretty organic to me. It took so long to get them together, relationships take work even fictional ones. I’m a testament that a high school relation ship can make it passed high school and still be functional. Can’t wait to see more updates, I was so excited to see you’d updated the story, been waiting so long, but don’t just throw out chapters to make the readers happy, otherwise it will feel forced.
Sambam15 chapter 24 . 4/27
I thought I was the only one who felt Steve and Veronica were a little forced. I like the idea of her and billy together instead. I think it would be great in this story for them to be together or even another fanfic. As long as you keep writing I’ll keep reading!
Werebear47 chapter 24 . 4/27
I would love to read a story with your idea of this “what if” Billy. I have really enjoyed how you’ve written him so far so I can only imagine how much I would love reading about him being apart of the main pairing. As for getting rid of the current Veronica and Steve pairing I really can’t help with that. I like them together and don’t have an issue with them but I wouldn’t be mad if you decided to change anything this is your story after all.
PinkTribeChick chapter 24 . 4/27
Stick with this fic. You’ve come too far to change course. If you want to write a Billy/Veronica AU, do it as a separate story.
NicoleR85 chapter 23 . 4/27
Another great chapter. I can't wait to read more. Please update soon.
NicoleR85 chapter 22 . 4/26
Another great chapter. I can't wait to read what happens next. I hope Steve doesn't get jealous and will listen. Please update soon.
CryingRosex3 chapter 22 . 4/25
I fucking love this story. I get giddy everytime you update! Jeep up the amazing work 3
Love.Fiction.2020 chapter 21 . 12/13/2019
Cool chap
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