Nerfhearder69 chapter 6 . 6/12
Huh! Helena as a Kalderash... Yeah, I can see that...
dloold87 chapter 6 . 4/26
only issue I have, is you mention Cordite. It was not invented until the end of the 19th century, other than that good chapter.
BoredKing chapter 5 . 4/11
Adam said he slept with a redhead last chapter?
TheLaughingMan1 chapter 6 . 4/10
Well written, I must admit
TheLaughingMan1 chapter 3 . 4/10
I like the alias of Zamiel.
shugokage chapter 6 . 4/1
Definitely an interesting story idea and concept!
Joe Lawyer chapter 6 . 3/20
Fun and interesting story!
Bluesnowman chapter 6 . 3/18
I'm hungry010 chapter 6 . 3/18
You have a great story, I hope you keep it going unlike the rest when it comes to a hellising and BtVs crossover. I can not wait for the next chapter.
Mari Wollsch chapter 5 . 2/15
great! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
SamMason666 chapter 5 . 8/19/2019
This is realy cool, I hope you continue it.
Kminari chapter 5 . 8/18/2019
I do not know why your stories have so few reviews ... I have loved the two that I have read, I do not like that the whole title is in capital letters, but in relation to history I have not seen any problem except one or another missing letter of a word (like: heat- heart).
I like this Xander, but I don't like it much that practically no changes have been made in canon of any history, it is to be expected with time travel and that they are in the past, waiting to see what happens with Hellsing (Alucard) I loved the interaction with the Watcher.
Waiting for more of your work.
ImaginativeFury chapter 4 . 7/27/2019
Just found this. So far it is interesting even if the character isnt really Xander and more of an original character.
Kudou Shinichi chapter 4 . 7/19/2019
If they believe humans are below them then they wouldn't get upset with human behavior. In that sense Xander is kinder especially if he can maintain the philosophy that if you could choose your food that you'd choose evil food. Helena gets frustrated and upset with human behavior because she feels like they should be good and then is disappointed when some people are bad. Perhaps coming to terms with people on an individual basis would save more lives. There are good, bad, smart, dumb, tall, short, musically inclined, and tone deaf people. Not all of them deserve death from their hands. Granted rational thinking is hard to maintain when Vampires have blood rage.
Kudou Shinichi chapter 1 . 7/19/2019
Pretty cool that Xander was already using his shapeshifting powers whether it was conscious or not in this first few moments of unlife.