Reviews for Distance
Jayne chapter 2 . 8/24
LStarrunner chapter 2 . 7/12/2019
Yes, this is what I wanted. Uncomplicated and complete. Thank you.
0-null-0 chapter 2 . 7/12/2019
This is the perfect ending. I love how you captured Crowley's deep emotions in such great words. Well done.
alance07 chapter 1 . 7/12/2019
more please!
0-null-0 chapter 1 . 7/12/2019
I need more of this right now. Please. It’s beautiful.
Brain City chapter 1 . 7/12/2019
Oooo! I love this. It is very well written. I love the depth of love Crowley feels for Aziraphale. Please keep going. I want to read more and more and more!