Reviews for A Dovahkiin Spreads His Wings
Guest chapter 21 . 8/6
Man, these last couple of chapters have been epic! Can’t wait to see the fallout from all this.
unseenw0lf chapter 21 . 8/6
I'm having mixed feelings about this story. On the one hand the characterisation is brilliant and the fight scenes are exciting. On the other hand it's hard to believe Jon managed to kill alduin with how much you've nerfed him and the thuum. I'm still enjoying it but alduin is an ancient god of death and destruction and Jon struggled to deal with getting stabbed by a knife. He also doesn't seem to be superhuman outside of magic so how he kills dragons is beyond me. Its just bothering me since every time Jon fights recently I'm always thinking 'the dragon born wouldn't struggle this much'. It's something that I feel needs to be addressed. Does Jon power himself up before a serious fight or is it his armor and enchanted weapons that give him an edge.
Shaneman17 chapter 21 . 8/5
I'm trying to understand what sent the Queen off the deep end so fast. was it Daedric meddling? or was Jon and Serana's presence just enough to give her that final push?
Masterx01 chapter 21 . 8/5
Okay... can someone please explain me why everything went to hell so bad? Because seriously, i dont care everything went to hell, but at the very least a i want a good explanation why Cersei decide foregone the scalpel and go for the axe.

What? Did the Daedric Princes finally decide to play with the sandbox called Westeros? Boethia messing with Cersei? Or Cersei just feel like half drowing herself in wine and smoke a whole palete of technicolor mushrooms that day before deciding what to do to get the throne?
BrotherCaptainSheperd chapter 9 . 8/5
SCREW YOU LYANNA! I'm sorry but I really hated that part of the AGOT lore. Smallfolk get poverty but are allowed to marry as they wish. Nobles, are born with wealth and privilege but have duties to their families. It is a fact of life. What assurance did Lyanna have that Robert would have been a monster? Yes he slept with other women but that happened with most of the lords. It would have been her task to reign him in.

No, instead she ran away with the prince. Thereby causing a war that killed thousands if not hundreds of thousands. She killed them, all of them as sure as if she slit their throats herself. Sure, a rebellion would have occured eventually, since Aerys was certainly mad but because of her willful rebellion, she would always be remembered as the cause for all the blood spilled.

All because a girl couldn't do her duty to her family and her people.
BrotherCaptainSheperd chapter 3 . 8/5
Grammer is fine for the most part. I have no complaints about that as of yet. Although, there is a small detail that I find strange. Why wouldn't Westerosi accept septims? The coins are still precious metals. Their still gold, silver and copper which also make up the golden dragons, silver stags and copper... I forgot what the copper ones are called.. anyway...

The only reason another country would not accept the currency of another is if the currency had no value in their lands. For example, the ancient Chinese used paper money but that currency would be useless in Europe during the Middle Ages since they either used a barter system or wanted coin. Another example would be the Pacific Islanders who used seashells but since European traders did not value them, they couldn't use it in trade.
So.. Paper money today is backed up usually by a country's gold reserves or other valuable resources that the country has like oil. If septims are made of gold, silver and copper then they are precious metals and therefore has value.

I'm not flaming you. I just want to point out that saying Westeros won't accept gold or silver because it comes from somewhere else is a little ridiculous. After all, Braavos isn't in Westeros and yet, their coin is accepted there. I'm assuming that the Empire trades with Braavos since you mentioned trading ships going there so septims should not be a unknown currency to Westerosi
TheWickedTruth89 chapter 21 . 8/4
Great chapter, I can't wait to see more
hfjdsahflkdsa chapter 21 . 8/3
Another great chapter! I cannot wait until the next to see the fallout, from Cersei realising all her children are gone from her dead or otherwise. To Ned funding out about Sansa's betrayal because if her selfish naivety. And the explanation to all about magic! Please update soon!
Sparkysbro chapter 21 . 8/3
Thanks for the chapter!
Eduardo Godinez chapter 1 . 8/3
Holy shit... with Tywin dead and Tyrion gone there's nothing to run damage control on Cersei... at least Joffrey's dead so little Mr. Sociopath won't be able to take the throne.
smartjocklv chapter 21 . 8/3
The inclusion of the Tyrells makes me excited for their future inclusion. I can't wait to see how they'll react to both their "rose" getting seriously hurt and Renly more than likely dying. I hope they don't just ally with the starks. It would be more interesting if they tried to forge their own path, especially as you have given a POV to someone who doesn't have one in the books: Margery

There are two negatives I have to say about this chapter: there are minor grammatical errors that don't detract from the story, but do point towards a "lack of professionalism". That's understandable as you are not being paid but it would make the story less clunky to read if you had a beta/editor just look for grammar. If you need one I would do it for free and just give grammar suggestions.

The second is how a POV works. A POV should be told as events are unfolding. Arya's section says "later on when recounting" does not work well. For one , it spoils that Arya is safe and not in danger. Two, structurally it does not make sense. We are experiencing the story with the characters in a POV. It is not a journal entry the character is writing later on.

The inclusion of Arya as a character to be in awe of the the characters from Nirn/Skyrim is pretty well done. She is a good stand in for the average westerosi: believably in shock of the new strange powers but willing to accept them and use them to her advantage
riyer chapter 21 . 8/3
I am on tenterhooks for the rest to unfold.. I would especially love to see Sansa get punished and ohh the Tyrell reactions. Great so far, hoping for a speedy next chapter
BookishTen8 chapter 21 . 8/3
Love how Cersei's plan completely backfired on her. Wondering what the other threat is suppose to be.
TheJk chapter 21 . 8/3
Wow, I never really knew the true meaning of scorched earth until this chapter. Cersei just willingly and gleefully burned down her own power base in a bid for power, likely never realizing it, and won the hate of basically half of the realm in a single day to put a corpse on the throne
Dracomancer1 chapter 21 . 8/3
I don’t think I’ve ever seen Cersei kill Tywin before. Very innovative idea.
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