Reviews for Growing up
Guest chapter 29 . 8/21
Need more chapters
HyperSushi chapter 29 . 8/16
nice chapter, Iaughed at some points
Guest chapter 23 . 8/15
I love this story a lot! I read it over and over again, only issue is that 500,000 dollars from the government in the 70s is worth 3.3 mil now. I still love it!
Guest chapter 5 . 8/14
Hi! Love the story but who in hell cuts a pizza in triangle in CHICAGO? It could be me not knowing how to take reading clues, but it sounds like they cut it in triangles which is a mighty sin
Jean Sumnerland chapter 29 . 8/13
I have missed this story, that was a good chapter on the swim meet!
Dkn chapter 29 . 8/11
Why that was an intense chapter! Hope you dont lose any inspiration :)
Lord Yagami chapter 29 . 8/11
Love the chapter... Please update when you have more idea to write on the next chapter
oldestj1 chapter 29 . 8/10
I like this, please have inspiration soon!

Jbg chapter 29 . 8/10
Hey, great chapter.
I love some of these world building chapters you've done recently, having the characters develop their own strengths instead of just being a group focused on the mind flayer, upside down and shit going sideways. It's great to see all of that and I'm glad to see you posting one of your ST stories again, because I enjoy them.
I do hope you find more inspiration to continue working on this so that I don't have a long wait again.
I'll see you in the next one, stay safe
Nighting Ryder chapter 29 . 8/10
Great chapter!
Tree Top Grove chapter 29 . 8/9
Motivation is a pain.

Thanks for the update! Good chapter!
grievesforyou chapter 29 . 8/9
i knew theyd do well in the race!
Jane Eleanor Wheeler chapter 29 . 8/9
That Jason guy is such an idiot lol

But I loved this chapter!
afanofstrangerthingsandstuff chapter 17 . 7/1
Mr. Translater Fish returns.
afanofstrangerthingsandstuff chapter 15 . 6/30
So, this other guy with powers is an advanced version of the translation fish from "A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"?
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