Reviews for Shadow
Ella1910 chapter 10 . 10/6
This is quite fast paced and a little jumpy, but I really enjoyed the plot & your interpretation of the characters.
Nmn728 chapter 10 . 7/13
Absolutely loved this!
merderluvr chapter 10 . 6/10
What a perfect ending! I’m glad things came full circle and the Wild Thing was tamed. Great job. I loved it! Thanks. It would be great to read what happened after Richards funeral, the proposal, the wedding and Alex’s birth.
merderluvr chapter 9 . 6/10
I loved Richards chat with Rory. They always understood each other in a special way. I Also liked Logan’s constant forwarding of African photos to Rory. It showed how he was always wishing she was there with him. I hope Logan comes back quickly to comfort Rory in her time of need. Thanks. Great chapter.
merderluvr chapter 8 . 6/10
Very touching chapter. I always loved that book. Logan really has deep wounds from Mitchum treatment of him as a boy. He is a sensitive guy. I feel bad for him. I hope Logan realizes that Rory isn’t to blame for his screwed up relationship with his dad.
merderluvr chapter 7 . 6/10
I am reading About a Boy and you mentioned this story. I’m so glad you did. I’m really enjoying the dynamic you’ve created between Rory., Mitchum and Logan. Thanks.
FlowerGirl0817 chapter 10 . 6/8
Just re-read this story because I needed something amazing to distract my mind. This story was so great. Mitchum is just such an interesting character.
Oboiboi chapter 10 . 5/20
Desperately waiting for an update on About a Boy, so I decided to reread Shadow. You are a great writer! Can’t wait to see what you write next!
bbscotch08 chapter 10 . 5/15
This was different but amazing love how it all came together.
nightnovice chapter 10 . 5/10
I lpve how this played out, thank you for sharing.
Guest chapter 10 . 5/4
This fic is original, sweet, smart, easy to read... its the second time I read it and it is as good as the first time. Every detail is spot on. I wish youd write more! thanks for posting and for sharing your characters with us. Keep safe!
ParakeetFins chapter 10 . 5/4
I’ve reread this many times last fall and owe you many overdue comments. This is one of the most original stories I’ve ever read and it’s stuck with me. Whenever, wherever I see a mention of Where the Wild Things Are, I instantly think of Mitchum reading. Fantastic work.
MidLifeWriter chapter 10 . 4/29
What a wonderful story. I skipped out on work just to read it (I can’t believe I just discovered it.). You have a way with words! Thanks for sharing your talent!
blackdragon2882 chapter 1 . 4/27
My favorite
wobs chapter 10 . 4/24
amazing story. loved the emotionally complex relationship among the characters. it’s so unique
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