Reviews for Roll Me Away
Guest chapter 12 . 8/27
Jinkees omg this was amazing. I am so in love with the way you've brought creed to life. Truly a gift to the world, thank you for writing :D
Cookies and Milk chapter 12 . 11/16/2019
I want to see a sequel. But I love how this ends. The "just being" moment at the beach, Creed explaining about the butterflies, and the two of them leaving the next day, with their dad's favorite travel song playing. There's something about it that would make it work just perfectly if you ended it right here.

But you did raise a lot of other questions in the story about Creed's future and even Dean's future. For that sake, I want to see a sequel. I want to see if Creed makes it in wrestling. I want to see if Dean stays with the WWE because at the beginning of the story he didn't seem very happy and since he left in real life, maybe he will in your world too.

Keep Writing!
Slay You Down chapter 1 . 11/16/2019
From the beginning, this story sucked you in, and I'm talking about the intro. You felt for Creed right off the bat. Having lost my own parents I could relate to Creed. No matter when your parents die, you never forget that day they died.

Creed was a loving son and gave up so much for his dying father. It is not easy dealing with cancer patients, I know because my own father died from cancer. It is an awful process seeing them wither away from the people they use to be.

Creed did nothing wrong by providing his father drugs to ease the pain, these Opiate Laws are ridiculous. People that truly need pain medication can no longer get it. I blame this on Trump, but I won't get into politics here. I would have done the very same thing Creed did for his dad, no matter what the consequences may have been. It is your dad. You only get one.

I felt so badly for Creed to have to carry out his father's dying wish. On the one hand, you want to do it, but on the other hand, you are angry that the person should have done this themselves. It is a mixed bag of feelings.

That was interesting his dad donated his body for research. I'm not sure I could carry out that request. The father didn't want a funeral or memorial service. I feel that was unfair to Creed, those types of things give you a chance to say Good-Bye. I know the dad had one wish, and that was getting those letters to his other son, but was he thinking about the burden he was placing on Creed? The guilt must have eaten him alive since his son was born, so I get why he wanted his abandoned son to know the truth, but placing that burden on Creed was a lot. And, somewhat selfish because he didn't want to face Dean and all his questions.

It is nice Creed will have such good memories of him and his dad working on motorcycles together. He deserves that.

I know how Creed felt when he walked into the bar and saw his dad's buddies and declining their invitation to play pool, sometimes you just don't want the sympathy talk it just makes you want to cry. I can't believe how rude his sister was to him. No "Hello or How are you doing?" She didn't even care their father was dead. Her mom must have really brainwashed her about her dad. That is a shame. Her and Creed have no real connection as siblings because of the mom. Everything is about that damn bar. I can't blame Creed for not wanting to work for his mom, he would be treated just like a typical bar hand off the street. The mom should be at this point in her life letting her kids run the bar. But, she sounds too much like a control freak. At least the sister did help him out in the end.

That butterfly story was so touching, Creed needs his dad right now, but he has his spirit around him in the form of a butterfly. I'm glad he is not freaked out by it.

That burger you described and the fries are the best. Damn High Cholesterol. It was nice he met a lady champion there. They seemed to hit it off. Too bad it couldn't go any further than that night and day. She sounds really cool and would be good for him.

Well, he finally made it to his destination. He is like his dad finding ways of making extra money. Breaking down the sets was genius on his part in getting more money. It was funny how the other workers thought he was a suck-up because he was actually doing what he was paid to do. Creed couldn't help it they were a bunch of slackers.

This was the moment. He finally saw his half brother. That must have been so surreal. Although he didn't follow his dad's wishes to the tee because he read the letters inside the envelope, he did deserve to know.

I knew when he went running over to Dean Security was going to snatch him up. I would have been the same way. It was so sad seeing Creed crying while being detained by Security. All he wanted to do was deliver that envelope. I'm glad Roman hung behind a little and listened to Creed's pleas. Roman has a good heart and he can tell a scammer or groupie trying to just get through. When Roman realized what the paperwork was he knew his best friend needed that information. If Roman had not stayed behind a little bit Dean would have never received those letters.

Dean had to be like wtf when he read some of those letters. I'm glad he caught up with Creed outside. They needed that one on one time even as brief it was. I liked how sincere Creed was with Dean, he even had tears stinging his eyes again. Dean still is confused, but who wouldn't be. After Dean's mom didn't want him to be in their son's life because he was a user, but she turns around and is a user. Pathetic.

That phone call at the end was perfect for leading us into the next chapter. I hope Creed and Dean become close siblings, and Creed gets his dream to become a wrestler. He deserves some happiness.
Zipper Catches Skin chapter 12 . 11/13/2019
Have I told you that you write the best Dean? Butterfly whisperer? Lord of the Butterflies, I could see him doing that. Since he's more internet savvy in your world than in the real world, I can see him taking a picture of Creed with a butterfly on his head or shoulder and putting on twitter. Hashtag, Lordofthebutterflies.

I liked the ending. I heard the song in my head as I read that last part. And you had better write a sequel.
Zipper Catches Skin chapter 11 . 11/13/2019
Hm. it looks like Janis has been misunderstood in a lot of ways. We know how Creed feels, now we know how she feels. The truth is in the middle.

Dean's got someone on his side, that's good.
takers dark lover chapter 12 . 11/12/2019
Loved the story! Can't wait to read part two!
nolabell66 chapter 12 . 11/10/2019
Oh the butterflies! Love it. Yeah I think some come back to just to check.

I feel like riding and wrestling are the same. Looks easy but it is not.

I think their Dad would be happy and proud.

Great story very well told.
jcott3 chapter 12 . 11/9/2019
Keep on rolling, we need the ride!
jessica619 chapter 12 . 11/7/2019
Creed told him about the Butterfly.
can't wait for the sequel.
ViolentHugger03 chapter 12 . 11/7/2019
Noooooo! I wasn’t expecting it to end here, so sweet nonetheless... As always, great job with this chapter
Cookies And Milk chapter 11 . 11/3/2019
I think that for the rest of my life, I am going to think of Roman Reigns as some ancient fertility god brought back to life in this century. Thank you so much for that.

Janis turns out to be human. I understand why she would be so upset at her father. I've been on that boat and it's bad.
ZVArmy chapter 12 . 11/5/2019
Aww it's over? Well, I hope we do get another story covering the road trip.

All this talk of Rib Eye steaks and bacon! I'm hungry now and I've only just eaten dinner.

Creed did an excellent job of teaching Dean how to ride. I can understand what he means about the journey being the fun part. I feel mind of the same way about diving to be honest, so I get it.

'Golden moments' as you described them definitely do exist. That brought back a specific, lovely memory for me.

And away they go on the five day journey. I'm willing to bet there will be a fair few adventures for us to hopefully read about one day.

Great job!
cheryl24 chapter 12 . 11/5/2019
Love Bob Seger, hate bacon. lol
nolabell66 chapter 11 . 11/4/2019
A diction cuts deep. And affects us all in different ways. I think the hardest part for anyone who loves someone who is addicted is that they can’t fix them. That they’re not enough to make them stop. That feeling will stick with you no matter where you go on what you do in life.

It is clear that Creed’s mother and Janice saw a very different side of his father. A side that was harder for them to forgive and forget.

I can understand her being a jealousy and almost a resentment toward creed from Janice. She didn’t get what he got and it probably seems very unfair.

But I think at the end of the day they do love each other you don’t have to like someone or be their best friend love them
nolabell66 chapter 10 . 11/4/2019
Wow mom! Sad thing is I can relate to her. People don’t get that a person parent is their parent. And yes that is half of you. So while they may have faults you over look them and forgive cause they are your parent.

Seems like mom want to hear how great she was. And is jealous her son had a relationship with his dad.

She see him one way and Creed saw something different.

Not that I ever saw Dean to keep quite but he paused back well.

I wonder how coffee will go?
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