Reviews for Solitude and Music
TheodoreLucifer chapter 15 . 20h
When are you going to update again ?
SnowWhite2132 chapter 15 . 7/30
I like this story very much! Excited to see where it will go!
Ana chapter 15 . 7/28
This is one of my favorite stories. I love how you apply the dynamics and I really really hope you update soon
NWFairyGodmother chapter 15 . 7/15
What a great story! I have been unable to put it down and stayed up until 4 a.m. to finish reading it! It is so nice to find a real "full length" story that is well written and entertaining. Although it works having this as the ending, and it did wrap up nicely, it has a lot of momentum to carry it much further of you were so inclined. As a reader, I would definitely enjoy seeing where this could go and look forward to any additions you might add. Thank you for sharing this story!
P.S. you did a nice job with the author's notes by keeping them relatively short so they don't ruin the flow of the story in progress.
jennifer.thelyne chapter 15 . 7/15
Hermione's and Thorfinn interactions are so cute, but this chapter was a new level of cuteness
Guest chapter 15 . 7/15
I love this story, and their romance it’s fun to read it, thank you for the update
Guest chapter 14 . 7/7
Well that was quit the ending and now I have to wait to see what happens. Not nice to leave us hanging, but wonderful chapter and I love your story thank you for the update
TheodoreLucifer chapter 14 . 7/5
Thank you for this new chapter. Update more often please...
jennifer.thelyne chapter 14 . 7/5
Bellaria chapter 13 . 6/30
I love this story. You’ve done a great job with the characters. It’s fantastic.
Guest chapter 13 . 6/24
Wonderful chapter, I like how the professor is acting like mum
Adharablack85-2 chapter 13 . 6/22
love how mcgonagall support thorfinn and hermione relationship, I love this story more and more, do you plan to follow through the events of the deathly hallows?
rabradley09 chapter 13 . 6/22
Awww I want him to come to Hogwarts. Good chapter :)
Guest chapter 12 . 6/16
I so loved this chapter, it was fun to read and made me giggle. Thank you for your update
chapou69 chapter 12 . 6/15
Thank you for this new chapter. I love your story so much.
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