Reviews for Hero of the Dark Skies
GunBlade2020 chapter 40 . 3h
Hi there

I just realized that over analyzing things like Izuku does can also be a down point, like shown today, is that just experience or something else the class must tackle?

Anyway, keep up the great writing and stay safe!
Dalyn Hughes chapter 1 . 13h
Noooooo not vulture he was a villain... lol
Tantio chapter 40 . 18h
Nice, but I hate Aizawa, I mean a zero for something they haven't learned yet is rather a stupid and degrading thing, it is the first-day test all over again. They are in school to learn and shouldn't be punished for something they weren't educated in yet. I just see Aizawa throwing a test on something before even teaching them..., yes you may use that to see how far someone is, but not for a year score. That just takes the cake, I just want to give him a report card that says zero points for being a teacher on the first day of the academy, I mean the way he gives points nobody should be succeeding in graduating.

I guess Aizawa is a sleep-deprived Snape.
D3lph0xL0v3r chapter 40 . 21h




I'm also Eagerly awaiting Finding Out What Tetsu X4's Version of Full Cowl would be called;
soraroxas chapter 40 . 21h
It's strange i could've sworn i've read this chapter already. Like I legit remember reading the whole thing of bakugo saying the whole "there was no love" and the other iconic lines in this chapter. This just freaked me out.
Yamajiji chapter 40 . 22h
This chapter was kinda fillerish but I enjoyed it. I wonder how you’ll handle I-Island here, since Tetsutetsu has OFA. I’m looking forward for more.

PS: Can we please get some more Izuku/Yu moments?
MyMad-Robotdocter chapter 40 . 23h
i hated this entire episode when it came out, the ending of the exercise just ruined the entire thing and i hate it, you wrote it well in my opinion but i just find the whole episode incredibly boring and a waste of time. good chapter, cant wait for the next
KingKaper chapter 1 . 8/19
sorry wrong story lol
KingKaper chapter 1 . 8/19
Will Arséne or Raoul make an appearance? love the story so far
Zukafew119 chapter 39 . 8/19
Interesting way to start the chapter at LOV bar having Kurogiri asking Tomura his thoughts about Deku. I do like how Tomura when talking about Deku is more analytical than he was in canon at this point. Interesting twist of having Tomura after analyzing him comes to the conclusion while he poses a significant threat to LOV, he may potentially be convinced to switch sides and join them. I do like how AFO agrees with Tomura’s thoughts about Deku and says Deku may potentially be willing to switch sides if Tomura say the right way. In that he points out all the problems their society has, that Deku a quirkless person has seen first had and points out the LOV wants to reform Japan society through force, not just tear everything to the ground and replace it with something worse.
I do like how AFO is looking into seeing if Shoto would be a possible recruit. I do like how both Kurogiri and AFO firmly tell Tomura not to go after hero students when their with their families. I do like the touch of how AFO says that criminals do not go after law enforcement’s families even before their were powers. I do like how despite how evil AFO is even he has some code of ethics.
Whoa, Aoyama speaking normally with no Frenchyness, what a scandal! LOL! That was nice seeing Jiro trying to cheer up Denki who failed his practical exam. So Tenya has been clear of all charges pertaining with Stain just in time for him be able to go to the summer camp. Just like you said he would be in author’s response to me like 5 chapters ago. I do like how Tenaya bonces back in his usual fashion after being cleared of all charges. I do like how Aizawa waited for the perfect time to make his entrance, when Mina was talking about him. I do like how Deku is starting to think that Aizawa became a teacher to troll students and how Kat would not be surprised if that were true.
I do love how Tokoyami response to Mineta saying he will need night vision goggles for summer camp, saying he will most likely need to break them. I do like how Shinso is already hanging out with some of class 1B. I do like how you end the section with Deku wishing Shinso good luck dealing with Monoma and Shinso saying he will need it!
I do like how Tenya is already back to curtailing Mineta’s perverseness. So Ochako still develops a crush on Deku but this time Aoyama had noting of pointing out her crush on Deku. I do like how this Deku has more situational awareness than canon but was still trapped by Tomura.
I do like how Deku is able to keep his calm way better than canon self. I do like how Deku was calm enough to able say some macabre humor, like if Tomura touched his neck with all 5 fingers of one hand, he wont have to worry about neck ties any more. I do like how Deku was able to sneak out his taser and have it at striking positioned to hit him and bluffs saying its set at130,000 volts of electricity. I do like how Deku bluffs how strong the taser is, so Tomura will hesitate to do anything violent and Tomura buys the bluff so Tomura consider them about evenly matched. I do like how Deku quibs that he’s “happy” that Tomura took his advice and did not wear any severed hands on himself, since it brought out his craziness for everyone to see.
I do like how Ochako is trying to figure out why she is at times so flustered around Deku but before she can to a realization, she runs into some of Class 1b. I do like seeing more of Ibara, she is interesting character that rarely gets any screen/written time. I could see her and Ochako capable of becoming friends, their both friendly, empathic and kind people.
I do like how what Deku says the difference between Tomura and Stain is similar to canon but with twist of Deku saying that the fear he felt in the presence of Stain was greater than he was feeling now.
Its interesting how meeting between Tomura and Deku differed from canon, with Spinner there and Ibara there. How it was a tense stand off between the 2 factions but no one got injured but in this story was a far different story. Deku has a serious neck wound and side of main body, Ibara gets a throwing knife in the upper arm and Ochako gets shot in a thigh with a low caliber pistol.
Interesting twist of Spinner coming with Dabi and Toga to meet with the LOV. Then compounding that with him being suspicious of Tomura and tailed him to see Tomura what he was like and make sure he did not act like rabid animal and killed innocent people. I do find it interesting that AFO respects Spinner and considers if nothing else Spinner could be a learning experience for Tomura. I do like how Spinner seems to be a great tracker, track Tomura, not being noticed by target and able to blend into a crowed.
I do like how Spinner played the cards he was dealt with as well as possible. He was able to injure both hero students that came to Deku’s aid. Preventing them pursuing them and created a exit for him and Tomura to escape from. The heroes are lucky that Spinner’s gun is not revolver or have a magazine capacity for more than 1 bullet. I also do think that Spinner intentionally hit Ochako and Ibara in non-vital spots and did not try to kill them. Why, because as from what he saw of Ochako and Ibara, they were hero students so they are in grey area where it comes to whether their valid targets for judgement and their actions he saw were those of true heroes who prioritized protect civilians first and capturing villain as 2ndary.
Well you made season 2 longer than canon with longer protracted battle between Stain Vs Deku, Shoto and Kendo, huge battle exam between AM and Nejire vs team Deku and then with adding a actual fight in the mall with Tomura. Keep up the great work MosesArk Reborn2000, stay safe and till next time!
DCosmicSage38 chapter 15 . 8/18
I didn't expect that one coming. More of his singing pls.
DCosmicSage38 chapter 1 . 8/17
How about j.a.r.v.i.s.? Or f.r.i.d.a.y.? Will he developed user interface for mark2?
Blaze1992 chapter 39 . 8/16
The f**k spinner tried to kill one of the "true" to save f**king handy?!

Hmm now that Izuku is famous makes me wonder if his actions of standing up against the world despite being quirk less will inspire another one but this time instead of a hero that person will be a villain to get revenge against those who hurt the quirk less?
bauers374 chapter 39 . 8/16
I think I cracked the activation code from last chapter... It was Marvel Avengers Age of Ultron 2015/Spiderman Homecoming 2017... Right? and I feep like the Part where the missle gets shot out with the suit in it, was inspired by that part near the start of Batman Arkham City...
GunBlade2020 chapter 39 . 8/14
Hi there

Izuku being quirkless makes this part more anxious in my opinion.

Anyway, keep up the great writing and stay safe!
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