Reviews for It isn't the future She wants So, she must fix it
James Birdsong chapter 4 . 5/15
Hm. In any case these three chapters are good. Go wherever your passion lies.
qwertqwert chapter 4 . 3/24
Vanessa Masters chapter 3 . 3/10
"I get it, Izuku. After that my father died, my mother and I moved to a caravan just because she lost interest and hope on everything. And if it wasn't enough, she started to ignore me, acting like I never was there, because I'm sure that when she saw me, she could see him. My grandmother had to take care of me for years. I never received a present by Christmas, Birthday or any party else. I had to take clothes that were thrown to the garbage just to have clothes of my size. I didn't have a hot shower until I moved to college." Olivia confessed. "All my studies were paid at ways I won't ever be proud because my grandparents passed away and my mother still ignoring me even nowadays. And even when each girl at the school, high school, and college were richer and luckier than me, I was still being called 'the daughter of the monster'."

"Dr. Burnell… the moment you showed Bakugo his test, that he could probably haven't chances of taking the nº1 position and about the flashy quirks… At that moment, I felt happier than I've ever been next to Bakugo." Midoriya revealed, with a little smile on his face. Olivia allowed smile when she heard that fact. "Could I… Could I make you…?" Midoriya tried to ask, but he couldn't start it.

"Go ahead; I'm always open to questions," Olivia said, leaving that Midoriya could ask him.

"Do you think that a Quirkless person, like me, could be a Pro-Hero?" Izuku asked. Well, it didn't sound like a question. More like… a beg, a cry of help. Olivia sighed and answered.

"Izuku, I'd love to say 'yes', because I think that everyone can be a hero, that the quirk doesn't make the hero. There are uncountable Greek stories where common mortals could defeat gods and creatures, an inspiration for stories. And because day after day I thought it, that everyone, with the correct training, martial arts or weapons, can make a difference." Olivia said. "But society makes me say 'No, you can't'. Because they... they see 'Quirkless' as Weakness, Hopeless, Useless… All insulting words ended on '-less'. They won't allow that, unless you have a Quirk, a person that is considered 'weak' makes the same job as people with flashy and powerful quirks."

"They would say 'No, because a hero risks his life each day'. Everyone risks their lives when you work by the Government! Firefighters, Cops, Army… And the villains… Well, obviously I won't put you to fight alone against a creature of 8 meters, 6 arms and whose quirk is spitting a laser beam since its mouth. But there are villains whose quirks aren't flashy; instead, there are close to being jokes, easily stopped by anyone."

Midoriya didn't feel his heart fall on a void, but it hurt. Because Olivia was right: The UA had allowed that Quirkless students can accede to the high-school, they had made it just to keep them on General Class or Support Class. The same test that the UA had gotten by years about giant robots was still there. And his analyses won't help him to do anything against the robots…

And unexpectedly, Olivia jumped of her seat and put in front of Midoriya, pointing to him with a finger of her right hand. "And that's where Alchemax appears! You probably hadn't heard about us because the company and the CEO rejects help or do things for any Pro-Heroes. In fact, we found completely hateful the quirks."

"W-W-Why?! The Quirks had helped us on your common life, giving us faster times to produce elements, control economy…" Midoriya started to defense the Quirks. Just to be interrupted by Olivia.

"Izuku, on 401 years, we have barely advanced technologically. On 2018, we had prepared a mission just to go to Mars and investigate. On 2022, we went to Mars… WE HAVEN'T GONE TO ANOTHER PLANET ON THOSE CENTURIES! We should have been landing on the Moons of Neptune, have scientific bases on the moons of Jupiter just to study the micro-organic life that lives out of this planet! The cars, the motorbikes… we're still using gasoline when in 2018 we have those wonderful and TESLA cars, powered by electricity. Cancer, a disease that it had found treatments to prevent it, and even some early ways to treat it, just depends completely on some healing quirks that will disappear when those doctors passed away." Olivia explained. "I don't know how this planet and we, as species, have survived those last 400 years. But what I can say is that all those projects ended when the quirks started. Our technology, both expensive and cheap choices, is similar. Look at the phones, look at the trains, look at everything around you. You should have seen History: Compare the world at the beginning of the 21st Century and the world nowadays."


Oh my, but hey, Olivia has her points.

And she’s there to comfort Inko, and promise good things for Izuku.
Vanessa Masters chapter 2 . 3/9
Adapting her eyes to the darkness of the night, Olivia saw who that person was. It was a little albino girl, not older than a 6 years old girl, which hair is as pale as her skin. The color of her eyes is red and a little horn grew since her forehead. On both arms and legs, there were bandages with stains of dry and fresh blood, meaning that those bandages were used more than once and was wearing a dirty medical gown. The little girl was feeding the fishes on the pond.

"What is a little girl doing here?" Olivia asked mentally to herself, clearly confused by the unexpected presence of a little girl. She was sure that the little girl couldn't be dangerous. Actually, in the eyes of Olivia, she looked… undefended.

When she was enough close of the little girl, Olivia bent and poked slightly the left shoulder of the little girl. The reaction was completely surprising: The girl covered her hand with both arms and kneeled. When the little girl opened the eyes, she could see to Olivia observing her confused. Olivia kneeled to be on the same height.

"Are you okay, little girl?" Olivia asked with a warm smile. The little girl looked to the other side, looking ready to run away. There were tears on the corner of her eyes and answered.

"… Don't get closer." The little girl answered, avoiding look to Olivia. She was clearly nervous and worried about something.

"Why not?" Olivia asked, worried by the kid. What had happened to this kid? The girl, at the moment, didn't answer, waiting that Olivia left her behind. But when she saw that Olivia wasn't leaving her, she answered.

"… I could kill you" The little girl answered softly, almost a mumble. Olivia raised an eyebrow, surprised by the unexpected surprise. And for the way that the little girl said it, sounded more like a fact than a threat.

But Olivia smiled and moved closer to the little girl. "You said 'could', which means 'a possibility'. Do you want to kill me, little one?" Olivia asked, moving the right arm out of the view of the little girl. The little girl, after doubting for some seconds, shook her head. Then, unexpected for the little girl, Olivia patted her tiny head. The little girl shrank when she felt the fingers on the science woman, but when she felt that nothing wrong was happening, the little girl relaxed her body.

"I'm Dr. Olivia Octavius, 'Liv' for friends. What's your name, kid?" Olivia asked, waiting that she could identify the little girl.

"…Eri." The little girl identified finally as Eri, answered. Olivia smiled when she could finally hear the name of the little girl.

"Tell me Eri, where are your parents?" Olivia asked, worried about what had happened to this little kid. The little girl looked down and explained.

"Daddy died... and mommy… left me." Eri answered, with tears in her eyes. Olivia was surprised. She couldn't imagine someone abandoning a little girl so cute and little.

"Is there someone who keeps care of you?" Olivia asked again, really worried at this point. She should have, at least, a legal tutor. But even if Eri had a legal tutor, who could be to make her wear bandages on arms and legs?

"Mr. Chisaki. He promised me to reunite with mommy if I help her." Eri answered. "If I'm a good girl, I will see mommy again."

It was official for Olivia Octavius: Something very wrong was happening to this little and cute piece of pie. She didn't know what it could be, but she could try to avoid happening again at least. She will start helping her at that moment.

"Eri, let's make a deal: Come with me and let me change you those bandages, and then I will give you… this." Olivia took of a pocket a huge blue-n-purple lollipop with a white swirl. Eri observed confused the lollipop and asked.

"What is this?" Eri asked confused by the candy. Olivia was surprised to hear that question.

"Hasn't this little girl seen a candy on her life?" Olivia thought, don't understanding what had happened with Eri. "This is a lollipop, a sweet candy made by cute kids. Kids like you." Olivia poked the nose of Eri playfully. "Do you let me help you?"

Eri doubted for a moment, but at the end, Eri nodded. Olivia smiled and proceeded to lift Eri between both arms. Eri protested, clearly don't wishing to be touched, but in the end Olivia lifted the little girl in her arms.

"Now Eri, grab this while I do my magic." Olivia put closer the lollipop to Eri, who grabbed it since the stick and walked to the wall of the office. Then, the four mechanical arms of Olivia appeared since her back and started to climb the office until the floor. With a quick view, Olivia could see that Eri was seeing the mechanical arms with her mouth open.

The claws of the mechanical arms opened the window and put inside of the office both Olivia and Eri. When Olivia ended the trip and hid the mechanical arms on the harness, she could hear how Eri said 'Woooaaahhh', making that Olivia smiled.

"Those are cool, right? My best friends and the best company I can have. I got my inspiration on…" Olivia started to explain when she was interrupted by a yell.


Even evil has standards, and Liv is bad ass, braking overhauls arms off.

And she took Eri quirk, which is the best way to make her feel safe.
Vanessa Masters chapter 1 . 3/9
"See how everything can evolve, create something new to make life easier or discover things out of our understanding. On the 20th Century, we promised to create technology that could be the enemy of the Science-Fiction. But we're on the 25th Century, and we don't have flying cars, the cure for incurable diseases, we haven't gone further of Mars and we're still contaminating the planet with the petroleum. All that due that we got distracted entirely by the Quirk's phenomenon. Innovations got stuck and we just upgrade slightly the technology we have." Then, Olivia punched the table. "Plus that the discrimination isn't funny. 12 years studying just to work fixing electronic devices on my floor? Hell, I demand work on laboratories. I have won it!"

"Then, one day, a day appeared on my brain. It was 'If I could cut the Quirks, we should go back to the technology.' I started to work, investigating how the Quirks work. When I could find the Essence, I started to work on how to delete it. Months later, I could make the final design and build an entire load for a gun."

If Overhaul wasn't interested before on Olivia Octavius, now he was. Not only she presumably had upgraded their Quirk-Erasing Bullets, but she also was on their side for the purge of the Quirks. He didn't want her. He needs her! But… why would she want to help them? They didn't know it, but Olivia knew that they had them in the palm of her hands.

"What do you want of us?" Overhaul asked, giving back the bullet to Olivia. She grabbed it and smiled.

"I need a bigger budget. With my own saving money, I can barely produce a load for a gun. If I have more money, I can start a massive production. Also, I'll need a place to work, maybe a laboratory or just a place with the tools and devices I need. And privacy: I don't want to be related to any of your works. My name will be clean at least I want it." Olivia demanded. When she saw that the Yakuzas frowned, she just could sigh. "I'm not a machine that can produce magically the bullets. I need elements that will reduce the time all the possible, and increase the production. Do you want an army that can stop each hero or just one of your useless thugs with such a powerful weapon?"

"Our economic sources are limited. Out of our houses, we just live of commit crimes and don't let any clue. We can't give to you a lot of money." Overhaul explained, clearly annoyed by that fact.

"For the fancy house that you call 'Headquarters', I seriously doubt that." Olivia thought. Then Olivia just took a notebook and wrote on one of the pages a phone number, giving the phone number to the Yakuzas and putting over the piece of paper one of her bullets. "Let's do it on your way. Test the bullet, and then contact me. I'll wait." Then, putting a bill down her cup of Caipirinha, she took a huge handbag and a bike helmet. "See you later."

While Olivia walked right out of the Cabaret, she allowed smile. She didn't need to wait. She knew that they were on her hands. After all, she had what they wanted, and even more. The call was clearly happening at that moment, but she needed to wait.

Oh, and the ideas. She had the blueprints of what she had planned. When the people could see what the mind of Scientifics can do. The powers would lose its status, and then…

"Then the Superheroes would continue there." Olivia thought, opening the door of the Cabaret and leaving the local. "How could I forget that? Even if the powers aren't interested, all the kids still wanting to be Superheroes or build things for them. What is the sense of destroying the reputation of the powers, if I'm still having the reputation of the Superheroes there." While she walked right to her bicycle, a newspaper –moved by the wind- landed on her face. After of move it out of her face, she read a new on page 7 "'U.A. High-school for future Pro-Heroes changes one of its main rules and will allow Quirkless students'." Olivia read the article. Then, an idea appeared. "Well, well, well… What is bigger than lose the reputation of the powers than lose the reputation of the superheroes?" She saved the newspaper of her handbag and unlocked her bicycle


Oh Wha bad luck.

That lady, eeeeevil!
Guest chapter 4 . 11/8/2019
You fucking suck.
luffyssjg chapter 4 . 11/4/2019
entiendo en lo personal no me gustó bnha por esa razón mucho potencial desperdiciado poder ops a cada rato personajes deperdiciados y perdonen si se ofenden un pésimo prota. Pero era por eso que tu fanfic me gustó tanto profundidad te muy bien a los Protas y les hiciste que se preguntarán si los héroes eran realmente eso o sea no lo hiciste tan simple por eso u varias razones más me ciento algo triste que lo que pudo aver Sido una historia muy diferente del manga de cancele.
Pero como siempre lo que tú quieras hacer son cosas tuyas , suerte en todos los proyectos futuros que tengas sean si o no fanfics suerte
RHJunior chapter 1 . 10/12/2019
Your english is really bad. Get a proofreader.
luffyssjg chapter 3 . 10/12/2019
me gustaría explicar mejor lo de allá might
algo que Olivia debería hacer es enseñarle a allá might que realmente no hay verdadera paz y si lo hay es injusta los único que tienen una buena vida son los que tienen un buen quirq que aquellas personas que son quirqles y que tienen malos quirq tienen que ver sus sueños arruinados o destruidos y ensina sufriendo abuso por los que all might pelea por proteger quién es realmente el villano los que pelean por cambiar el sistema o mantenerlo (ojo no quiero decir que todos los villanos son buenos yo se que hay personas que tienen razones y otra son solo imbéciles)
que la gente necesita un cambio y nunca llegará si gente como bakugo se le permite vivir como quiera y asiendo lo que quiera
otra sería que Olivia diga la verdad lo siguiente la sociedad es la que crea sus propios villanos y si alguien la compara con stain podría decir que ella no es lo mismo que el ella trata de hacer avanzar a la ciencia y que las personas con malos quirq y quirqles dejen de ser tratada como basura
stain en cambio envés de tratar de cambiar el sistema o mostrar lo que es un verdadero héroe prefirió matar por los que el dice tienen peor moral, envés de ayudar a la gente que lo necesita, en lo personal eso me parece algo cobarde y hipócrita pero es decisión tuya y si te gusta stain porfa no te enojes solo es opinión mía
suerte con tu fanfic
The Wandering Cat chapter 3 . 10/6/2019
I love seeing someone pay attention to Izuku’s brilliant mind. It feels me with great pleasure and great dread that person is Olivia Octavius.
I hope Olivia sues the school just because she can. Cause seriously, did the School not do any research that the company head is Quirkless?
Bakugou would have kicked out 10 minutes in and their reputation be in the drain.
The school’s reputation deserves to be in the drain.
I hope that Bakugou/Consequences is a thing. It’s my OTP for this fandom.
Zarclonia chapter 3 . 10/6/2019
It is really good. I like to see more if possible
luffyssjg chapter 3 . 10/3/2019
eres un maldito genio
me esta encantando el fic y tengo que decir que la idea de gente como j. jonah jameson me encanta podrías hacer que la doc ock mande a gente a buscar informacion de todos los asuntos ilegales no se pero espero que se te ocurra algo y que sea increíble
un consejo idea que no se porque nadie mas lo dice que all migth es el simvolo del miedo para gente quirqlees por que es el básicamente idiota (mira te lo explico al parecer es tan estúpido que no se da cuenta de la discriminatorio y abuso que sufren los quirqless).
pregunta que abandonaras los fics anteriores o que pasa con ellos
bueno con todo suerte
gotSaws chapter 3 . 8/30/2019
ok this is some good shit. i dont review at all. rarely do i leave on some good fics too. this though i felt i needed to review cuz this is a breathe of fresh air. very well written and has great pacing on the story. anyways glad i found this and i cnt wait to read the next chapter.
Karlos1234ify chapter 3 . 8/30/2019
I knew I wasn’t the only one who felt like that way
DestinyTX chapter 3 . 8/30/2019
I forgot to tell you to watch ''the boys'' trailer on YouTube so you can see what I'm talking about
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