Reviews for S5 E16 Eppur Si Mouve
SeaDog11 chapter 2 . 8/14/2019
Great ending to a lovely trilogy! I love how you ended it with, "This is our life, it moves." Such a great nod to the episode title! Muppets, little Lymans, domestic Josh and Donna ... I don't think it gets much cuter than that in the West Wing fan fic world! I love how Leo is such a softie with the kiddos. And I love the bit where Noah asks about bowling, that was always one of my go to guesses as a kid! Fantastic writing as always! Thanks for taking the time to write this trilogy :)
SeaDog11 chapter 1 . 8/14/2019
Awwww I love domestic Josh and Donna chapters! They certainly seem to have found a good balance between work and home life. I love how Fridays are family pizza night. Even with their busy schedule, they try and have a stable routine. And kudos to CJ for being able to keep Josh and Donna working together! Leo's comment about Josh being a mess while Donna was on maternity leave made me chuckle. And it was great to get insight into how fatherhood affects the way he thinks about things at work. Great chapter!
db chapter 2 . 7/31/2019
That was beautiful.
ABSea chapter 2 . 7/30/2019
Oh, this is amazing. They are simply the perfect little family. Luci and Noah have completely stolen my heart! Daddy!Josh is so very sweet, and I will be coming back to read this again and again, I'm sure!
ABSea chapter 1 . 7/30/2019
This is Josh and Donna Nirvana! They've made it work and they have this adorable little family all while keeping their jobs in the Bartlet Admin! I could easily read 200 chapters of this! Luckily for me, there's another chapter waiting.
theelectriceel chapter 1 . 7/29/2019
This is just the best follow up to their secret relationship. They don’t have to hide anything anymore and what a sweet little family they have now! They’re still the powerful team they always were and the love they feel for each other is evident. So happy to see another installment in this series!