Reviews for Cartoon Network Danganronpa
Amber chapter 17 . 8/2
Plz update it’s a whole month now -_-
Oof chapter 14 . 7/29
Oooh booboo poor Darwin and Dexter
Amber chapter 17 . 7/24
I don’t think Blossom would kill Robin…would she?
Amber chapter 16 . 7/24
I know a good ending how about on the last chapter Monokuma is ice bear from we bare bears and he is cursed and bubbles blossom Robin and Finn escape and break the curse then all the other characters come back to life also my 6 year old brother is really mad about how you killed Gumball and Darwin btw I’m 9 I watched that show eversince the first episode
Amber chapter 14 . 7/24
I think it was Mandy she was kinda weird when Gumball and DeeDee died
t4903994 chapter 17 . 7/21
One of the ppgs might kill for the professor. We don’t know who the other targets of the ppgs are.
jthm7izim chapter 17 . 7/19
Vaya creo que dejaste una pista de que Blossom esta sufriendo ante la presión, por un breve lapso de tiempo, estar encerrada durante tanto tiempo, los asesinatos, la traiciones, perdidas, la perdida de confianza hacia Buttercup, nos esta dando la idea de que se quebrando un poco, es como dijo Robin, sobreviven los que se adaptan.
Robin y Blossom son los principales detectives y mentes conjuntas.
Ahora involucrando a seres queridos se están subiendo las apuestas de quien puede ser un posible asesino y victima.
Gran trabajo
jthm7izim chapter 16 . 7/19
Sinceramente no esperaba que Darwin fueran el asesina de Gumball, el de Dee Dee fuera asesinada por Gumball, si, pero Darwin asesinando a su hermano, wow, aunque fuera accidental, eso realmente me sorprende, pero la parte de Buttercup queriendo irse, cubriendo a Darwin, se que blossom no lo dejara pasar tan facil.
Creo que tengo una idea de la posible sombra que acompañaba a monokuma.
Lamneto comentar tan tarde
Angelwings2002 chapter 17 . 7/18
Okay, I doubt either Robin or Blossom will get killed. Buttercup might restrain herself and hide away and be a suspect. I believe someone will use the poisonous plants to kill the person that is their target. I have a feeling it’ll be Finn, Mandy or Dexter to kill. Dexter has two people on the line, Finn has lost so many already, and Mandy...well she’s pretty dark. I’m a bit surprised she’s made it this far. As for who will be killed, I have no idea. Obviously I hope it won’t be anyone, but I really don’t know...keep up the good work!
Guest chapter 16 . 6/19
How the next chapter doing.
Kenninja chapter 14 . 5/20
My theory on who the shadow figure is, Robin. I know it sounds stupid but it kind of also make sense. I do not see Dexter, Steven, or Finn to be the traitor, because they all lost someone they loved and it would not make sense if they were to work with Monokuma. I could potentially be Mandy, but I strongly think she is not the figure. I mean it’s Mandy, she is a tough girl and she does not side with anyone, especially someone like Monokuma. It can’t be the Powerpuff girls because Blossom is the main character and she would know something is wrong with her sister if they were the traitor. Also, they are very loyal sister to one another ( except Buttercup in the recent chapter), but they are mostly loyal to each other. I believe it is Robin because he can take on his other persona, Red X, an alter ego of him when he served Slade. So, seeing Robin as a traitor is probable.
But I could be wrong...
jthm7izim chapter 15 . 5/12
Wow bastante tiempo sin venir a fanfic a leer, eh?
no mentiré, pareciera que todo esta hay, literalmente, pero a la vez trato de que todo encaje para encontrar al culpable, es fácil identificar uno de los asesinos pero aun pienso...
Quien mato a Gumball?
De dee dee es facil, pero el otro me confunde
tambien las pistas notorias y mas sutiles que pusiste en la historia?
El asesino/a?
Guest chapter 16 . 5/11
Tell me Blossom, the leader of the Powerpuff Girls and Robin, the leader of the Teen Titans can pinpoint the killers and bring them justice.
RMaster chapter 16 . 5/10
Holy shit! I def. didn't see that coming! Well before I thought Darwin was gonna be the chapter four killer, but changed my mind after Gumball was killed. Man this is getting good, I can't wait for chapter 5.
Kenninja chapter 16 . 5/9
Really interesting chapter, and yeah I did not saw that coming. However, I was wondering why didn’t Gumball and Darwin finish the job in the dog room? What was the reason for them to drag Dee Dee’s body to the arcade?
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