Reviews for Fairy Tail x One Piece: Crew of the undead
Guest chapter 3 . 6/27
Okay i have quite a bit if issues but ill just point out a couple that you should just know. P.s in no way shape or form am i trying to bring you down im just letting you know. First, the fact that you said this was right before 100 year quest means that they already fought the spriggan 12, so that means troia doesnt work because wendy also gets motion sickness. Second you wrote rubber-rubber fruit and rubber-rubber whip as the attack and name of luffys devil fruit but its the gum-gum fruit or gomu-gomu nomi so if thats what you want the attacks would be gum-gum whip or gomu-gomu no whip.(just examples) last thing, zoros kinda out of character. Anyways i just wanna know how all of the crew is together because they split up and also wheres law gonna be in the story just need clarification. Thank you again not trying to be mean just helping you out.
Kadek8785 chapter 2 . 8/14/2019
you need to add some spaces and make paragraphs. Remember to make new paragraphs every time someone new talking.
Kadek8785 chapter 1 . 8/7/2019
people really need to ask first before doing somthing
fpinheiro96 chapter 1 . 8/7/2019
Great chapter! Can't wait for the next one!