Reviews for The Matching Ceremony
SavvySpirit chapter 2 . 3/23
Wow. Did you write this fic as a warning as to what would happen to the Clans? Because I was thinking that it could. Hanks for always being a great author!
sanders1800 chapter 2 . 12/6/2019
I love the idea for this story and hope you continue it.
Fankyface chapter 2 . 10/23/2019
U slowpoke where'd u go I actually loved the idea of this story and u just TERMINATED I

Great job mothatruka
scarlett quagmire chapter 2 . 8/26/2019
I don't really believe that breezepelt fact but the story is good
Scarlet deu Maud chapter 2 . 8/25/2019
I can’t wait for Chapter Three. Please update soon. I’ve run out of things to read
Duskspiral chapter 2 . 8/23/2019
It is just me, of does this sound like The Poisoned And The Pure by Swyfte?
DappledleafTheBootiful chapter 2 . 8/18/2019
Aww, that fact was so wholesome
BravestarBDB chapter 2 . 8/15/2019
Well I am very excited for this story and I am glad to see you back. It had been a while so I’m assuming life came along. I still love your stories and I am excited to see where this one goes.
Dewcloud chapter 2 . 8/14/2019
I can't remember the exact form since I'm on mobile and I can't copy and paste for life with mobile
So I'll just do the personality appearance and age. Other stuff you can decide.

Ice (fang)
You can decide the age
Clan: Any
Personality: a real flirt and boast, arrogant and cocky. Untrusting and Independent.
Appearance. Large white tom with a seemingly permanent smirk with pale gold dappled across his back. (Kind of a calico) Dark green eyes that overflow with disappointment on others, amusement in others, annoyance in others, and a condescending look when talking to she-cats.

Any other info u can choose.

Fern (storm)
Persona: Sarcastic and pessimistic. Mysterious and cold but when you get to know her she's sarcastic but playful. Her parents deaths left her jumpy and pessimistic.
Appearance. A lean but well muscled gray tabby. Green eyes with rich hazel flecked near the bottom of her eye, causing the appearance of miniature forests, and a rough dirt floor, within her eye.

Ferns brother
Personality: the near opposite of Fern. He's determined to make his dead parents proud of him. He's optimistic, hopeful, and honestly? Very innocent and gullible.
Appearance. His pelt is that of a blue gray cat, with mottled tabby stripes across his back. His eyes are a reflection of rain, though not dark. Silvery blue with flecks of cyan and silver around his pupils.

Pretty white she-cat with ginger-brown splotches, front paws, ear tips, and tail tip. Gray blue eyes, hence the name.
Personality: Sassy and the boss of the litter (Littermates are below)

Ginger tom with white paws and belly. Sharp green eyes.
Persona: A future thinker, very protective, strategic.

White she-cat with brown and black spots. Dark red eyes.
Persona: Cautious, doubtful, stern, aggressive around strangers.
Role of the litter: the base of the mountain
Appearance: Black tom with ginger-brown paws and white muzzle. Hazel eyes.
Personality: Playful, reassuring, trusting.
He can make you feel safe even if he's a stranger.
Hollyshade chapter 2 . 8/14/2019
I’m super excited to see where this goes!
AutumnLeavesGA chapter 2 . 8/14/2019
This is SUCH a cool and original concept! I love it!
A Warrior At Heart chapter 2 . 8/14/2019
Hi! I just read this and I think it’s awesome. Your story idea is fresh and exciting and extremely interesting. Just the short piece of writing in the prologue is well done. There is a really good flow and organization of the scene. You’ve excellently conveyed the emotion of the scene; I could vividly feel the sorrow and desperation of the cats, and the ominousness of the entire scene in general.

One thing I reccomend is working on your dialogue tags. Some of them do feel a little awkwardly placed, and some aren’t necessary. I’m still learning to write myself, but one thing I’ve learned is that actions speak louder than words. Actions showing body language can convey a lot more than a cumbersome dialogue tags.

About your author’s note, I totally agree 100%. Feedback is always good, and constructive criticism is often better than praise. I put a lot into my stories and I wish I got more feedback, even a little. I hope this review helps you. Keep writing and updating! I will be reading and reviewing when I can!
Guest chapter 2 . 8/14/2019
O: I'm glad the story started yassss I want more
Pandean chapter 2 . 8/14/2019
I like this very much! I think it's a great thing to point out how much the inbreeding in the clans would actually work out. I'm excited to see what happens as the story moves to present day!
JustToTalk chapter 2 . 8/14/2019
I LOVE this! So smart!
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