Reviews for Watching Future Mistakes
FEV Grim chapter 14 . 7/14
Question, are you going to do the second movie?
Robbie Street chapter 14 . 7/12
I hope to hear from you soon on this fanfic, because I believe that you and Eikntt are posting these chapters every 3 weeks or so, so I hope to see something by next week, if you please.

Thank You
Robbie Street chapter 14 . 7/11
Hope to see a new update soon.
Robbie Street chapter 14 . 7/10
Hope to see a new update! Soon, hopefully! But, like I've been telling Eikntt, no pressure!
mbiswas05021989 chapter 5 . 7/8
I like your way
Guest chapter 14 . 6/30
You definitely need to show them some RTTE episodes. Preferably ones with Hiccstrid. And Blindsided is mandatory.
Robbie Street chapter 14 . 6/30
So, where are you with the next chapter? I hope for it to be soon if you don't mind!

Thank You
Nightspyder chapter 14 . 6/29
Astrid and the Flightmare make sense. If Hiccup and Toothless hadn't been, Astrid might have run into the Flightmare but just like her uncle she would have ended up frozen and taken as a coward. Mmm, maybe with that she would have gotten closer to Hiccup even. With the Amore Ala thing, it was partly good to see that side of Astrid, that she is a fierce warrior does not mean that she cannot like receiving affection from her boyfriend. But honestly, what they did in that chapter I think is the weakest thing they could think of for a Hiccstrid fight. I mean, with how proud Astrid is how not to take advantage of that? I think something that could make them quarrel is Astrid's pride. I mean, for example, when they went to chase the Flightmare, Hiccup made Astrid promise not to go after the dragon, or during the short dragon race, Hiccup begged Astrid to support him and not run races with the others. But as we saw, on both occasions, Astrid's pride was more important than even a promise to her best friend. How might that affect their relationship then?
Robbie Street chapter 14 . 6/28
So, where are you with the next chapter? I hope for it to be soon if you don't mind!

Thank You
Nightspyder chapter 9 . 6/26
You are absolutely right about how they treat the characters in fanfictions, you are the first one that I see that does something different and I think it is more accurate
Nightspyder chapter 4 . 6/25
Your right about Astrid
Nightspyder chapter 2 . 6/25
I had never noticed that detail of Astrid in the movie. According to the producers, Hipo's feelings towards Astrid were never completely unrequited, so apparently she did like Hipo since before. You are right, in all the stories of this type that I have read so far they show Astrid hateful until the part of the romantic flight, it is good to see that it occurred to someone to show it differently.
Robbie Street chapter 14 . 6/25
Can't wait for the next update/chapter, especially since it's been two days since the last time you updated, but everything's cool.

Thank You
SubspaceChronoXXV chapter 14 . 6/24
Let the final battle begin.
Arraia chapter 14 . 6/24
Perfect and update soon please
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