Reviews for The Swallow that Danced amidst the Lightning
Guest chapter 2 . 7/21
Good story just to ask have you ever thought of pairing Harry with Geralt? hope you update
Jeff chapter 2 . 7/20
Awesome chapter! The last 2 chapters really set the stage for the rest of the story. I can’t wait to see where you take this.
timewastin chapter 2 . 7/20
Thanks for the update! Really loved the fight from the PoV outside of Harry. Maybe I'm in the minority but if you go back to fights in Harry's PoV I think it'd be great if you touched very little on the specifics of the magic Harry was throwing out and maybe more on what those magics were doing and what Harry was seeing as the fight evolved around him. Or if when Harry ends up in the Witcher world the magic there is far harder to control and it becomes less precise. The scene felt so natural when not bogged down with spell names and such.

I did see your AN and prefacing this worry but Harry does still seem dangerously strong for the setting. Maybe I'm wrong but the navigators seem like the strongest of the strong, baring things like vampire lords, eldritch beings (Gaunter) or divine beings and Harry man handles one strong enough to follow Ciri through three jumps. Really the only thing Harry doesn't have an advantage in is the scale of destruction Sources can bring to bear, but they need preparation time and rituals to reach that level and it would seem a bit arbitrary if Harry couldn't learn to perform that magic. So even after you've addressed it I am a bit worried Harry might be a little too strong to give him any struggles in the road ahead. Love to see you prove me wrong though :P
lokarryn chapter 2 . 7/19
Interesting premise, I do look forward to more.
Ezylryb chapter 2 . 7/18
Great chapter
yanon1999 chapter 2 . 7/18
Very, very solid start. Well-written and fun to read. Definitely keeping an eye on this one.
FinalReason chapter 1 . 7/18
Very good start thank you
ErichCryter chapter 2 . 7/18
Это просто отлично. Я не часто вижу чтобы вспоминали про единорогов в работах по Ведьмаку. А уж сделать их одними из значимых игроков это отличная идея. Представляю себе сцену что устроит Гермиона ))))
dammyd chapter 2 . 7/18
I love this chapter. I love the twist with the house-elves. I also agree that most people mistake a competent Harry Potter for Overpowered Potter which isnt true. like what do you expect an Harry with years if combat training, more combat experience than Albus Dumbledore, a rejuvenated drive and possession of the elder wand to be capable of. At least he should be on Albus level and he would have wiped the floor with those just as easily. after all, those are the grunts.
Naiden chapter 2 . 7/18
Great chapter! I love stories where Harry is able to be able to throw his power around.
Zoltan-Atreyu chapter 2 . 7/18
dude love the chapter please keep up the good work
Sturmkrahe13 chapter 1 . 7/18
This is a really good story. A recommendation if you will permit, would be to check out The Sparrow and the Dragon by flameraiser
Mcc9901 chapter 2 . 7/18
Good chapter overall, I’m looking forward to seeing where you take it.
ElMarquis chapter 2 . 7/18
Your first chapter was excellent, Master Wordwright, from the simple relationship of familiar and her human to the complex relationship of trust and betrayal, of honesty and obfuscation, and the passage of time with Harry and Albus was astounding. The characterising of a post-mortem Dumbledore was spot on, regret, defiance, wistfulness and warning.

The fight scene in Chapter II I enjoyed greatly, with the butchery that an experienced soldier - what Harry is by this point - can inflict with as fast and flexible a weapon as magic.

Does Harry have the Sword of Gryffindor to hand (and can you make it noted that the sword isn't that silly pillow sword from the film but an Anglo-Saxon broad-bladed cutting sword) as either he or Ciri might well find it useful.
G chapter 2 . 7/18
Thanks Hope for more soon and it is true there are not enough W/HP story's
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