Reviews for To Meet A Need
cshen chapter 123 . 8/13
I just want to say that I read every chapter and I enjoyed it :) I was thrilled. I love it and I love how great they work as a team :D
Cshen chapter 36 . 8/12
Petey has a heart of gold. This is my fav chapter so far. I absolutely adore it.
NyteBlayde904 chapter 123 . 6/15
Possibly the longest-running fic I have read. Seriously, the only other one I have found that's this long was 'Hiccups Collection'.

On another note, this story was amazing. The only thing that could make this better is if someone, somehow, managed to animate it. Or if Marvel like, found it, and extended a partnership to this dude. That would be amazing.
TootsieRoll888 chapter 123 . 6/7
I’m back :) I managed to finish the whole story, and WOW! I loved every second of it! Seeing Peter grow and form relationships with the characters of this story, especially Tony, was so amazing! They acted very in-character. While it frustrated me while I was reading, I like how you made Peter and MJ’s relationship very complicated instead of easy. It was also cool to watch Tony navigate fatherhood and become able to rely on other people besides himself to keep Peter safe. Also, the only Marvel movies I’ve seen are all of the MCU movies, all the X-Men movies, and the Deadpool movies, with no comics, so I was a bit confused about who Johnny and Wyatt and some other people were. You did a pretty good job explaining them, though, so I understood enough that it didn’t prevent me from understanding the story. I wish we could have seen more of Natasha and Peter’s relationship towards the end of the story, but I understand that the focus kind of shifted away from the Avengers a bit when more characters were introduced. Throughout the story, I was completely hooked and unable to stop reading. There was never a point in the story that I was uninterested or bored: All of it, from the beginning to the end, was interesting and exciting. I also loved the fun facts at the end of the story :) Thank you so so much for writing this!
TootsieRoll888 chapter 1 . 5/29
WOW! This was so amazing and in-character! I love how Tony is taking a more active mentoring role now. When I saw there was over 100 chapters, I was OVERJOYED! I can’t wait to read them all! Thank you so so much for writing this!
1MariChatShipper chapter 123 . 4/26
I was shocked that Peter said he was spider man. It took me back to Iron Man. Iron Man moment right then and there. I loved how X-Men and Fantastic Four were added to the story. This fan fic made me cry more then once and I can't wait to read the sequel.
1MariChatShipper chapter 112 . 4/26
After hearing that Peter is turning 20, I can't get the thought out of my head.
1MariChatShipper chapter 109 . 4/26
Ok. MJ and Peter's conversation about the future was really cute. The fact that MJ wants to marry Peter and want kids. They said they loved each other. So cute.
1MariChatShipper chapter 71 . 4/25
I get tears in my eyes every time Peter calls Tony Dad. It makes me so happy but gives me flash backs from Infinity war, Endgame and Spider-man Far From Home.
1MariChatShipper chapter 65 . 4/25
After Peter started calling Mr. Stark Tony, I flipped out then he calls him Dad and I am crying with joy.
1MariChatShipper chapter 64 . 4/25
this chapter made me cry tears of joy. I love this book. it has so many twists and turns.
1MariChatShipper chapter 43 . 4/24
tears. This is so good.
1MariChatShipper chapter 40 . 4/24
OMG! I absolutely love this fan fic! I love how all the characters are reacting to Peter's situation. I just had a flash back from Infinity war and Endgame.
1MariChatShipper chapter 37 . 4/24
I love how you added in the book. When i read the part where Peter was going into surgery, my whole body shook.
Lowenweiss chapter 123 . 4/21
Nicely written. Thanks for writing this
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