Reviews for Strangers in a Strange Land
ambergriffon chapter 5 . 6/4
Tbh when they fell through the hole and onto the... pile? I had half expected Vaal to just wake up then and there with a "Surprise Mother F#####!" Moment.
Primordial Inscriptor Z-09 chapter 1 . 5/16
I wish my cat hugged me first... that traitor!
crazybeebee chapter 5 . 5/8
Here's to hoping in seeing more of this hunting duo!
Dark-Princling chapter 5 . 4/7
You know what would be a pretty funny ending to this is Izuku gets a set of Xeno'jiiva armor & weapon.
And because of him being born quirkless when he & Mina go back to there world he gets a quirk that lets him transform into a Xeno'jiiva. I can just see the ending now.

Mina wakes up in the middle of the forest where Kyoka & Koda had there final exam naked (since her palico armor really wouldn't survive her going back to normal human proportions).
All might & the other teachers find her there (because she doesn't have her student ID on her the sensors would detect her as a intruder) would then asking her where Midoriya was she would then freak out about where he is & upon seeing his charge blade lying on the ground & him being nowhere in sight begins to cry. A little farther away one of the other teachers finds a giant glowing blue (or green) cocoon & Mina upon hearing it runs over & upon seeing it starts to freak out. Because lets face it a single Elder Dragon from MH would kill anyone from MHA even All Might or All for one. & before anyone says something stupid like "But hunters are just normal people & All Might is supa stronk! hurpa derp." If you know anything about the lore of monster Hunter you know the answer to that is. "Pfft f**k no they are not!" Anyway back to my hope how this ends. The cocoon then begins to open/hatch & Mina proceeds to lose her shit & panic but instead of a alien dragon coming out it's a naked Izuku (because his armor was "eaten" to be given the new quirk) & Mina upon seeing her (at this point probably) lover Proceeds to hug him close uncaring that they're both naked. Which leads to laughs for us the viewer. The teachers present however notice that Izuku has a brand new pair of horns on his head & a long tail Leaving them all to wounder collectively. "WTF is happening & WTF did we miss!"
Wolfric094 chapter 5 . 3/13
Great story man, wondering if you plan to send them back to their home dimension, but as they are in the Monster Hunter Universe and not their original selves.
Damon chapter 5 . 3/11
I really am enjoying this story, hoping to see more chapters! Keep up the good work!
Firm0426 chapter 5 . 2/11
Aw man, I am LOVING this fic, and I truly do hope to see more of Izuku and Mina against everything. Maybe you could show us them hunting a Great Girros for the effluvium resistance, or their new encounter the odogaron. Either way, looking forward to a new chapter!
SonicMax chapter 5 . 2/11
So are you gonna go into icebourne when the time comes? Or are you gonna get them back to their world with the xenojiva and then have an epilogue chapter?
Demons death chapter 5 . 2/10
Everytime I read a chapter of this story I get hooked. I seriously don’t want this story to end. It’s amazing.
Mazongian chapter 5 . 2/10
Hahaha, god damn it Mina, you doomed them all!
METALHELLSPWN chapter 5 . 2/10
oh no Vaal Hazak is waking up that's bad very bad he was awful to fight.
PoisonPen37 chapter 4 . 12/14/2019
I can’t wait for more! This story is inspired!
Unknown Hunter chapter 4 . 10/27/2019
i enjoyed this story please keep it up oh and heres an idea if you want so imagine if there some chapters where they ether discover a portal that leads back to there world and when going back to there world mina goes back to her normal form but keeps cat ears and izuku gets markings on his face like tiger stripes or something as there bodys effect of the change of worlds and can go back and forth between the worlds and have just them or can have others go to pheh i just imagined eraserhead getting turned into a pelko and i see grumbycat with eraserheads cloth wrapings heh but you dont have to if ya dont want to just a idea anywho thank you for reading my comment and have a good day
littleboyblack17 chapter 4 . 10/21/2019
Firm0426 chapter 4 . 10/18/2019
I LOVE THIS STORY! I like how combined the character of Ashido and Izuku so well and made them have this romantic thing going on. I kinds want to see Izuku go back to their world and battle a Nomu with his charge blade, or better yet; FULL COWL WITH DUAL BLADES! I would LOVE to see that. Anyway, I hope to read from you soon in this beautiful, BEAUTIFUL story.
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