Reviews for Force Distortion
IWantABetterWebsite chapter 32 . 6/11
Of course, after enjoying How to Take an Empire so much, I had to go and read this story too. Mé definitely was a surprise spoiler, but I was hoping while reading How to Take an Empire that Ahsoka and Vader would have a kid together at some point. So I am glad to know that it does happen.

While I did enjoy this story, I think I like How to Take an Empire more, though I'm not entirely sure why. Time travel stories are generally some of my favorites, so I expected to like this one more. My best guess is that How to Take an Empire just feels more...epic, I guess.

I also have to wonder about the Ghosts. They seem to be the one loose plot thread hanging in this story. Sure, Vader and Ahsoka got to bring the two they captured back to their universe to "interrogate," but there was never really any reason to believe that there aren't more left over in this universe. I guess we can assume that if there were, then Vader and Ahsoka would have found out about them in those interrogations and then done something about it. But it still seems like a dangling thread. But really, that's a small detail in the grand scheme of things.
BadReader chapter 12 . 5/13
Too difficult to follow two pairs of characters with the same names.
brambleus chapter 4 . 5/8
Ah, alternate timeline, that makes sense. That pretty much means you can do whatever you want with future Ahsoka.
brambleus chapter 2 . 5/8
Bruh, they didnt age her up. She was 14 in the clone wars animation movie and the clone wars lasted 3 years making her 17 by the end of the clone wars. She just just small and had short lekku which grow with age. Togruta actually have the same lifespan as humans also, she doesnt age differently.

Another error, is where you made her come to the past from. Rebels takes place 5 years before the battle of yavin. You said Ahsoka is 20 years from the future, that would put her after the fall of the deathstar NOT after the fight with Vader. it would be 14 years in the future.
SpaceTime1969 chapter 32 . 5/3
Really fascinating AU. Thanks for writing this!
jon12231223 chapter 1 . 4/16
love it alot
De12now chapter 9 . 2/21
"And that can only happen if you can get the backing of the Senate. And the Senate isn't here"

"I am the Senate."

Palpatine: Good Anakin Good
Mercenary29 chapter 1 . 2/4
I keep reading this story over and over again. It’s perfect!
Numbnuts55 chapter 23 . 1/9
Oh those poor droids
Silentmana17 chapter 31 . 12/30/2019
Great story enjoyed from start to finish. You can tell how much work you put into this. One thing though be a little more clear on who is talking I got confused on more than one occasion on which Ahsoka or Anakin were talking.
Fidget the Zorua Fossil Fighte chapter 11 . 12/23/2019
Anakin why are you even surprised that there was a betting pool with your battalion?
Guest chapter 10 . 12/4/2019
After almost 10 chapter (couldn't finish it), I have come realize that I cannot finish this. Introducing alternate Anakin/Vader was going a step to far and makes everything exponentially hard to follow and in my opinion, unless the alternate timeline drastically changed her, Ahsoka would not be ok with Vader at all. Even though he is no longer in the youngling killing mood, he is still very much a Sith in many regards form my POV. Also I came to this story for Ahsoka and I was all aboard until she was almost immediately back to second fiddle behind Anakin/Vader again so far. All that said, other than it being hard to follow with all the Ahsokas and Anakins, it is well written just not the story for me. Best wishes, you are a better writer than many I see on this site.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/4/2019
Just read chapter 1 and I have to say well done so far on capturing their personalities so far, they all use the same type of vocabulary they did in the shows. Looking forward to the rest!
d8rkforcen1ght7 chapter 32 . 11/25/2019
Great story one of my favorites. Maybe we could get a sequel eventually? Good luck with any further projects!
ichigo urahara Shihoin chapter 32 . 11/23/2019
will you continue with a sequel in the future..
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