Reviews for A kiss and a flower
gindensmi chapter 1 . 3/13
I enjoyed this story!
Schandfote chapter 1 . 2/21
It's really really good. U are amazing!
fizu.khaira chapter 1 . 10/3/2019
thank yoi for sharing this story, its so sweet and i lovee it
Pennieyoung chapter 1 . 9/28/2019
Love this story, so sweet, thank you for sharing it with us
MirrorFlower and DarkWind chapter 1 . 9/15/2019
Hahahah oh gods that ending was hilarious. Loved it
PrincesaPurpura chapter 1 . 8/25/2019
. nice
BananeVerte chapter 1 . 8/23/2019
It's cute, thanks for this story