Reviews for The Scarlet King
deathshade37 chapter 11 . 6/2
an absolutely amazing fic. I hope to see more!
artilyon-rand chapter 11 . 1/25
Really good one made me chuckle a lot, as before my only observation are that thse "pov" could use a little bit more of...detail? Yes detail, they are good really entretaining so far but more description but on the tedious side helps with immersion/whatever great cjapte m8 eager for more .
artilyon-rand chapter 8 . 1/25
Giaant tits hahaha awesome xD i really likeed thisbone now we have our own female Comissar to strike fear at the hearts of the unbeliever! For the Emperor!
artilyon-rand chapter 7 . 1/25
Goooooood so good xd
artilyon-rand chapter 5 . 1/25
I love when author do show that Arthas while pragmatic can be noble as the knight he sworn to be, many confuse Honor with simple idealism.
artilyon-rand chapter 3 . 1/25
Am firm believer that Pacing its one of the most important things on a story ok , everything on this chapter happened too fast and too many thing ocurred after the other while battle can come out nowhere it would be better to see how our leader happens to prepare fora thing at the time and if situations change to see how this affrcts him while he adapts.
artilyon-rand chapter 2 . 1/25
I found this chapter very enyouable and made me look even more for more chapters the only complain was how Arthas were informal torwards eachother, its the royal manner ethique i guess, doesnt mean I dont understamd that they can be more freedom in such matter with familly but its better when nobles act the part you know? And when they make exceptions it has lot more weight to it.
a guest chapter 11 . 1/4
The characters acting very reasonably is refreshing to read. Definitely agreed with your opinion of Alexstrasza and Aegywynn.
Urazz chapter 11 . 12/1/2019
Interesting chapter. I do agree with you that Aegywynn is a major screw up and essentially caused the Legion invasion to happen sooner than it would have by default.

Alextstrasza realizing that she needs to actually do diplomacy with a leader of the lesser races because this leader doesn't have the near god worship of her and the other Dragon Aspects is a good thing in my opinion.

Also, I'm kind of amazed that Sally Whitemane hasn't attempted to sleep with Arthas yet. He's been pretty much supportive of her.
Engineer1869 chapter 11 . 11/20/2019
You know the Blackrock clan is crazy when one of the former peons didn't have a problem calling them green-skinned abominations. Let's hope that the meeting between Alexstrasza and Arthas goes well. At least Arthas has Uther fighting alongside him. I did like how when Uther question having Whitemane train the new priests, Arthas reply that Uther was the one who said she was ideal to his purposes.

I have to agree with the assessment of Aegywynn. Keep up the good work.
Ebanu8 chapter 11 . 11/18/2019
Why, oh why, must Alexstraza help the Blackrock Orcs of all Orcs? Couldn't she have at least settled for another Orc tribe, one that isn't as murder-happy as the Blackrocks?
Which Brew chapter 11 . 11/17/2019
I'd be interested in seeing wht Alex thinks of the whole troll genoicde that the High Elves and humans engaged in when they were founding the kingdoms, what does she think of it? does she feel sympathy for the Trolls as the original native species of the planet?

Anyway nice chapter, I think it would be good to see Arthas and Uther interact a bit more, it is an interesting relationship to explore.
The Jingo chapter 11 . 11/17/2019
I was quite glad to see this one. In your earlier works you tended to write Alexstrasza as a touch incompetent, but she's been getting steadily sassier.
davycrockett100 chapter 11 . 11/17/2019
Consort chapter 11 . 11/17/2019
I think I agree with that assessment of Aegwynn. Not many people managed to cause as much damage to the world at large as she did by her abuse of power. Hell, if you count the Legion and even Horde invasions as entirely her fault over Medivh, then she's caused more devastation than Garrosh, Varian, and canon Arthas put together, all out of a thirst for attention.

Now, as for the chapter itself! That peon has one line and it speaks volumes, because it means there's such a rift in orcish society they can overhear people calling their protectors (maybe too strong a word. Oppressors?) and them by strong implication monstrous filth and be like 'Yeah, fair enough'.

Otherwise it's very nice to have Uther, his mastery of Light aside he gives us political clout with the devout factions that might not have been happy with Arthas' previous actions. And having our two biggest threats engage in open war is a delight! It takes the pressure off us so we can fortify and farm, and gives us a chance to study exactly what forces we'll have to deal with when said war concludes, so we can come at them with an army tailored to their weaknesses.

Alexstrasza supporting the orcs over the undead isn't a surprise, since she IS the aspect of Life. Lesser evils and whatnot. Of course after her recent enslavement I think she wouldn't be opposed to switching all forces to Arthas if he's willing to make a military movement in the area, though he'll have to be careful to choose his words just right if he would prefer a positive relationship. I imagine if he threatens to wipe out any Reds left in the area then their alliance will be more one founded on having mutual enemies than being actual allies.
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