Reviews for Minerva: Wandering Mercenary
TheLilyoftheValley chapter 8 . 8/9
The amazing thing about the difference between this chapter and the previous chapter is around seven months and a few other fics that you've written in the meantime. You can spot the difference really well, and there's a sharp boost of quality and style in this chapter!

In the first act, there were a few places that could have used a scene rather than a summarizing description, but in this chapter, I got the sense that you learned to get a better feel for when a scene needs to happen or when a quick transition needed to cut some time. It's a hard balance to figure out, especially when you can't make everything a scene (it takes up a ton of time and is a lot to write) and you don't want to make everything a summarizing description (otherwise you skip over moments that could build up for important moments later), but you handled it pretty well in this chapter. Mina's voice is a TON more refined and firm than some of the chapters in the last act; I usually can't get beats on a lot of OCs, though in this chapter I started to pick up more on her character and dialogue (basically saying, if you asked me to try and write her, I have a good idea of how to try and do it). The canon characters are captured so well- the Smuggler especially! I'm pumped to see how his inclusion is going to shake things up (even though I technically know some things ;P ). Overall, this is long, but there's such a great boost in style and writing that it's a treat to read!

And yes, that's normal for many fic writers sob. I can't look at some of my older works because of how dated some of the writing is. Like, oof, there are things that you'll do in your works and then come back later and go, "...Why did I write it like that?" :,) Nonetheless, thank you for the massive chapter, and FGBHJKJH I'm ready for the next chapter!

Great job on this chapter! Keep up the wonderful work! :)
TheLilyoftheValley chapter 7 . 8/9
I am big goof for not publicly reviewing your main story sooner HHH. Gunna review the first act in this review, then the next chapter in the next review like you wanted me to!

I never say this enough, but your writing grew a lot over the first few months you published chapters for the story! In the first few chapters, some descriptions aren't as spaced out as they could be, though as the fic goes on, one can see that you're learning where to spend more time in building important scenes. Mina's dialogue is solid, and as the fic goes on, her voice gets firmer and more unique to who she is as a character. I think you did a pretty good job writing all of the canon characters in this first arc, and as for OCs, I loved Roger, Colette, and Ada with all my heart. They were pretty well-written, and Mina's aunts were my favorite part of this chapter to read! There's a lot of good that this first act has done for your writing, and the good thing about wanting to rewrite old chapters is that it shows how much you've learned and how much you would like to transfer that skill back into the early chapters and polish them further. This was posted half a year ago (I think), and since then, you've learned a ton more about how to strengthen you writing. If you ever go back to bulk up some of the weaker points of the first chapters, I'm eager to see what kind of changes this story is going to go through!

As for now, onto the next chapter to give some of your more current writing a review. You're doing an awesome job at building up your writing and pushing on to make awesome things! I'm so excited to find out what the future brings! :D

Lovely job on this first act! Keep up the wonderful work! :)
Lt. Commander Hanna Tucker chapter 7 . 1/2
Oof, those last two chapters were rough! Poor Mina! :( I was especially sad when Roger died- he was such a sweetheart. (I think my heart might have just broken a little). Still, very good chapters- laced with quite a few unexpected and exciting twists. I certainly didn't expect to see the Smuggler and his parrot- which, by the way, was a huge treat for me! :)

As always, looking forward to more from you soon!
Lt. Commander Hanna Tucker chapter 5 . 11/3/2019
So so so sorry for taking so long to review! I've been dealing with a lot of stress lately and haven't been able to read this until now. Poor Mina is in quite the predicament- relationships and the feelings that come with them are definitely hard to figure out (I should know!), and I'm hoping that she and Nef can work things out before it all starts going downhill. Then again, I'm kind of an eternal pessimist, so I of course have some doubts ringing somewhere in my brain.

In any case, great chapter! I loved the humour and how you took a step further in developing the relationship between Mina and Nefarious. Looking forward to the next chapter!
Lt. Commander Hanna Tucker chapter 4 . 9/29/2019
A delightful chapter, filled with humour and just the right touch of fluff. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Lt. Commander Hanna Tucker chapter 3 . 9/16/2019
"I don't know, Sir. Why would anyone be attracted to you?"

That is so Lawrence right there. :) I'm really enjoying the quirkiness and the humour of this fic- definitely the change I needed from the angsty stuff I've been reading lately. I mean, I usually enjoy angsty stuff, but not all the time. So this is a nice little treat.

Looking forward to more!
Lt. Commander Hanna Tucker chapter 1 . 9/15/2019
Woohwee, it's been a looong time since I've sat down to read Ratchet and Clank fanfiction and this looks promising. I'm very much looking forward to what you have in store for this story!
Max Chronicle chapter 2 . 9/14/2019
We're off and running on this 'proper' start. I wonder if you'll pursue the thread that Nefarious knows more than Mina regarding Clank's fate. It looks likes we're far from the events of ACIT, so fingers crossed we get more moments like 'jerkwad' as these two robots work together. High five!

See you on the next chapter!
Max out.
Max Chronicle chapter 1 . 8/31/2019
HOLY *censored*! IT'S YOU!

With this being a 'setting the stage' chapter I won't leave a 'review' proper per se, but I will still let you know seeing your name and familiar image of Mina has me excited! WOOT!
Until chapter 1,
Max out.