Reviews for Past, Present and Future
Fromourwounds chapter 1 . 11/10/2019
I can’t even begin, this story has me speechless... it’s beautifully written, like SO BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN! I was so captured by the story in the first sentence! You my friend have a gift in writing! I love the way you describe the fight against Iblis, just oooooo, SO GOOD!
lalalei chapter 1 . 9/16/2019
That was amazing! Bittersweet, uplifting, and sad all at once. I never really thought about Sonic growing ol and dying while Shadow lives on and Silver is born in the future...I wonder if they saw fragments of their lives when battling Solaris.
electrikitty chapter 1 . 9/14/2019
Beautiful. Nothing like existential angst to up the emotional stakes. I’m guessing that this story is complete? But if it’s still going, then I’ll certainly look forward to more.
MelGamingPlays chapter 1 . 9/5/2019
Interesting...I'll keep an eye out for this story. ;D Keep it up the good work!