Reviews for New Body, New Time
profloophole42 chapter 12 . 6/24
really loving the premise and direction, please continue
Lazymanjones96 chapter 12 . 4/15
Interesting stuff looking forward to more
jovenelbaze chapter 10 . 1/10
theWhiteDeath117 chapter 10 . 1/9
Don't leave it on such a huge cliffhanger I'm dying here, my adrenaline is pumping through my veins right now and I need another chapter...
mermizle chapter 9 . 1/3
Just stumbled across this and it’s great so far with how you spent so much time setting up the backstory before things really begin. I’m really looking forward to how he affects the plot.
kopol chapter 8 . 1/3
He read all the book store book in 2 months? that seem unrealistic.
Guest chapter 7 . 9/23/2019
love it
kopol chapter 5 . 9/15/2019
Nice story
kopol chapter 6 . 9/15/2019
Why does Dumbledore still is headmaster? Is he alive?
JohnMonty chapter 5 . 9/11/2019
Good chapter I like how fast he is progressing. Will matt eventually stumble upon how to enter minds and read and manipulate them? He has his mind thoroughly guarded and organised so it would make sense he would find out to mentally go on the offensive and have him self learn Legilimency. I've been wondering why Matt is eight-years-old in this, Harry would be sixteen since it's 1996 so I thought you would have had Matt and Harry start Hogwarts together and have him replace that idiot Ron Weasley. Any reason to why Matt is so young, so far ahead into the story? Anyway good chapter and story, have Matt learn how to Legilimens people and have fun with it, maybe age him up some and start taking an interest in girls and self learn some offensive magic and transfiguration/conjuration. Update soon!
0verLoaded chapter 4 . 9/9/2019
This is great!
JohnMonty chapter 1 . 9/6/2019
Chapter needs re-wrote, looks like it has a virus or something.