Reviews for Kallen's redemption in classic three-act structure
Guest chapter 23 . 23h
Heh. It's ironic that this chapter is the one that makes Marrybell lose my sympathy towards her and hopes of her having a peaceful end or, at the very least, a relatively quick and painless death.

She's been sliding more and more and I feel that this is the point where she's dived completely off the slippery slope where one could justify her actions with enough mental gymnastics to at least a degree where she needs help rather than either a permanent jail cell or to die. Shame really as I don't particularly feel any sort of resentment towards her like many readers did. I just no longer see any way of truly justifying allowing her to walk away from this unscathed.

At least her descent into further madness makes for an interesting antagonist, I suppose!
ThyDevoutBeliever chapter 11 . 9/15
Actually you know what. You can mostly ignore my last review because it's mostly out of anger and frustration. Look, it's your story and I ain't gonna tell you how to write it. I see that your story is quite popular despite this. If there is one thing i'd like to say, it's that if you're gonna do a threesome pairing. Please notify us that it's going to be a threesome or has a likely chance. Because there some peeps like myself that are a sucker for a good romance between 2 people and imo reading a story you believe is something then finding out it's something else is really off-putting.

Just say it's lelouchxkallenxc.c or something in the summary if you're able to update it or something. Other than that I love everything else you wrote.
ThyDevoutBeliever chapter 10 . 9/15
Actually you know what. You can mostly ignore my last review because it's mostly out of anger and frustration. Look, it's your story and I ain't gonna tell you how to write it. I see that your story is quite popular despite this. If there is one thing i'd like to say, it's that if you're gonna do a threesome pairing. Please notify us that it's going to be a threesome or has a likely chance. Because there some peeps like myself that are a sucker for a good romance between 2 people and imo reading a story you believe is something then finding out it's something else is really off-putting.

Just say it's lelouchxkallenxc.c or something in the summary if you're able to update it or something. Other than that I love everything else you wrote.
ThyDevoutBeliever chapter 9 . 9/15
Hold on author... now let me get this right... you dumped C.C in chapter 6. With Lelouch rejecting her advances and just last chapter he declared his love for Kallen and they both hooked up? At least that's what I thought you were going for. But now literally in this chapter he states that he's still not sure what's happening with Kallen and himself after having sex with Kallen right after he has sex again with C.C? After rejecting her advances in chapter 6?

I came here because of the kallen and lelouch pairing. Not to see Lelouch hooking up with another woman despite the feelings he has Kallen and behind her fucking back as well. Might as well have skipped kallen and just kept him with C.C. Even if they're not "technically" dating yet. Though I still find it particularly scummy that he decides that hooking up with C.C again was a good idea instead of, i don't know, working it out with Kallen?

Look the rest of the story is fucking fantastic. Love the concept of Kallen rejoining lelouch and all that and was really excited to see what was in store with their relationship. But seeing that scene with C.C really ruffled my jammies so i'm gonna have to drop this.

I know that you're already past this point and you may have amended this. But i'm too fucking pissed to care right now. So Adios.
Guest chapter 23 . 9/13
Magnifico come sempre, una grande rappresentazione di Marrybel
Ciò non toglie, che non vedo l'ora di vederla bruciare, per ciò che ha fatto a Kallen
The Road In Between Worlds chapter 23 . 9/13
Awsome chapter looking forward to more.
Marche V chapter 23 . 9/13

Suzaku the white death genociding again when

Thank for chapter
Goten Askil chapter 23 . 9/13
Girl actually thinks she can torture C.C. into betraying Lelouch? Lol, it's hilarious how delusioned she is in her own capacities.

Aaand her reaction to her flashback instantly kills any sympathy said flashback could have brought towards her. Seriously, if your goal is to make her as hated as possible, you're doing it like a champ. It's not helped by her lieutenants putting the hype in hypocrisy about Lelouch's actions. Seriously, at least his Geass has the decency of being temporary... when he wants it to be.

I can't wait to see (well, manner of speaking and all that) their reactions when he reveals Jeremiah's Geass canceller: "Oh yeah, BTW, you murdered your friends for no reason at all, because I intended to free them anyway to have them share your prison sentence. My friends that you've enslaved are fine, of course. Your loss Marry. Again." That's going to be SO satisfying.
Marche V chapter 22 . 8/25
Hey, I like Suzaku a lot so I'm enjoying this.
Kallen21 chapter 22 . 8/24
I absolutely can’t wait for the next chapter
Spiral-Voltron-Zero0Q1 chapter 22 . 8/24
Great chapter dude!
And i hope that Kallen will be okay
Pkd chapter 22 . 8/24
Well on the movie showing Zero Requiem working. We've only seen a year pass by and already number of issues popping up or just contained so far (and not seeing long-term effects). That and didn't gave much focus on it, along with the movies being an alternate universe. So interpretation is still in the air since 90% of the plan relies on fairy pixie dusts and so. And personally didn't need to happen anyway when Emp. Lulu was getting good reputation around the world.

Anyway looking forward to the next chapter of this great story, and awaiting on how Kallen settles things with the Black Knights.
tsun chapter 6 . 8/21
c.c. is dumped? why?

to be honest, I can't see kallen and lelouch together. their character is just so different that I can't see beyond a small time reprieve.

... I'm losing interest in reading.
tsun chapter 4 . 8/21
Will the main plot be copy paste from canon? while I like some changes that happened, it's still mostly at canon events. I like other emepeor lulu fic because I read something new.
Jiggly Joe chapter 5 . 8/18
Zero Requiem wasn't about world peace or ending hatred, not directly anyway. It destroyed the current governments and systems in place and 'united' people under one banner. The sustainable part comes in with an unparalleled strategist in Schneizel serving an unwavering symbol (and deterrent) of justice that is Zero, and a sympathetic and kind-hearted leader in Nunnally.

Basically, Zero Requiem both re-shuffled and then stacked it in favor of 'peace.' It just leaves the world in a much, much better position than it was previously.
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