Reviews for Cleaved
sgsagsag chapter 1 . 7/15
fuck off
Saintzor chapter 8 . 6/5
Good story! I enjoy the novelty of Holly having muggle friends and all but sometimes it feels a bit too much on the muggle side, though Alex seems like a genuinely nice guy despite the brief hint of jealousy

Anyway I'll be looking forwards to what comes next!

Hopefully Dobby didn't trick Holly with an oath or something (That's something from fanon, no idea how it could work going by canon, still...)

Well, just wanted to say I've enjoyed your story so far and I appreciate your writing. Thank you! All the best :)
Guest chapter 7 . 4/2
I think she should talk to Flitwick (bc McG clearly doesn't listen or care) about self study in HoM and Potions... D.A.D.A. To, I would be asking for my money back and a possible transfer or even homeschooling.
mizzrazz72 chapter 7 . 4/3
Ron is a bad influence.
RebeccaRoy chapter 1 . 4/3
Love this, Holly having a good friend before going to Hogwarts, good for her.
Mfoto chapter 6 . 3/27
Great story
plums chapter 2 . 3/26
An introduction to the wizarding world, and she’s still a dumb as a brick Griffy whose friends with Ron.
plums chapter 1 . 3/26
I was expecting way more of an “introduction” to the wizarding than a single Diagon Alley visit with your summary. She still barely knows anything.
W1986 chapter 5 . 1/3
Really enjoying your story so far. I'm interested to see what Alex's family is hiding. Also looking forward to seeing how the herbal remedies goes and if Holly is going to being I get Hogwarts friends or keep it just her and Alex.
xMidnightDreamsx chapter 1 . 12/6/2019
I really like this! Awe it's a little sad that Alex isn't a wizard (I assumed he was at first)! He seems like a sweet brother-like to Holly! I hope they do remain good friends even though Holly goes to Hogwarts and he'll most likely attend a Muggle school right? I don't know why there was brief moments where I felt like it was sort of Severus / Lily moment in a way (or it's just me).

The wizarding world's prejudice is freaking annoying to me. . . they get on my nerves for how they sneer in disgust over squibs. . . like its not their fault for being born that way! I'm looking forward to the rest of the chapters and I'll try to review on each chapter! Keep up with the good writing! :D
PasiveNox chapter 2 . 9/27/2019
PasiveNox chapter 1 . 9/27/2019
kgfinkel chapter 1 . 9/18/2019
Good start. It needs to be fleshed out in between the time when Holly and Alex go to Diagon Alley. There's no indication of the time skip either. I would suggest including an explanation from Mrs. Kann about her background and why the other people in the Leakey Cauldron were so rude.

Still going to follow.