Reviews for To Catch a Predator
Rookblonkorules chapter 30 . 2/27
Hmm, I'm guessing that it's not much of a speculation what happened to Earl. Although I do like that's it's left kind of ambiguous.
I'm interested by the genuine attraction Negan seems to feel towards Raya.
All in all, a very satisfying conclusion to a chilling murder mystery.
Rookblonkorules chapter 29 . 2/27
Ah man, he's still trying to get her to stay. Well, if Negan is consistent, it's looking like Raya is too because she's still turning him down.
Rookblonkorules chapter 28 . 2/27
Okay, so I probably read this with some sort of feral grin? Because yes, this SOB needs to go down and go down now.
"If I had a nickel for everyone who threatened to kill me..."
I love her. I love her so much.
Rookblonkorules chapter 27 . 2/27
Oh, I knew she was going to use herself as bait. Oh Raya. I'm sure you know what you're doing, but just... please what know what you're doing. Negan, you better be there to back my girl up or I swear.
Rookblonkorules chapter 26 . 2/27
Okay, I like the detail about how much time has passed. I also like how calculated Raya is- almost like a predator herself. And the detail about the axe prongs- oh geez. *shudders*
Rookblonkorules chapter 25 . 2/27
And he's still going- he's still going, oh gosh. This poor girl. I think you gave just the right amount of details because this sparked a very visceral feeling of horror in me.
One bit of feedback, I do think the final line would have packed more of a punch if it had simply been left as "Nobody was around to hear her." Less is more and all that. I'm assuming there was some sort of word max/min limit judging that this is a challenge though?
Rookblonkorules chapter 24 . 2/27
"Yeah that worries me the most."
Honestly, seconded here, Paul. Seconded.
I completely understand Raya's logic in bringing Negan in to see what's been done to his wives. What better way to get him fired up? And I think they're going to need him fired up before this is over.
Rookblonkorules chapter 23 . 2/27
Okay, wow. Wow. I loved this chapter. Holy wow. I love seeing this side of Negan. This rage. And maybe in part it's because this man is taking what's his, but I love how you can see some genuine concern slipping through- I could be reading that wrong, but I don't know- and it's those moments that I live for.
"Stopping the monster who did this was now top priority." This. This. Oh yes. I love this. Things are going down.
And that last line. I swear, shivers went down my spine because just... I am /ready/ for it to go down. I am so ready and hyped and I'm sure there will be a buildup, which is gonna make it even more perfect. This is giving me the same kind of thrills whenever Rachel entered a battle and I love it. (I'm sorry, I've been revisiting my childhood series over the past months/introducing my little brother to my childhood, so I've got strong feels right now.)
Rookblonkorules chapter 22 . 2/27
That smile could mean anything, but I'm still not convinced that the killer isn't Fat Joey. And so now Fin/Raya is going down with him. My brain is screaming "not good" at me.
Rookblonkorules chapter 21 . 2/27
So there's been another murder. The emotions weren't as visceral here- I couldn't quite feel Paul's fear- but it still came across effectively. I like how you included the detail about the butterfly tattoo on the wrist. He's still observant even though he must have been terrified in that instant that the body would be Raya's.
Rookblonkorules chapter 20 . 2/27
I really like the attitude Negan is giving off in this chapter. His "I don't give a sh*t what you think" attitude. He's kind of reminding of a mix of David and Rachel from Animorphs here? Anyways, I really like how much of his personality you've managed to catch. This is getting me really interested in the show- and zombies aren't particularly my thing.
Rookblonkorules chapter 19 . 2/25
Oh wow, I didn't foresee her actually falling for him. I like how she's feeling the combined revulsion and attraction. I wonder what actually drew her to him. Just his charm?
Again, I like that it's actually one of the lieutenants and not just some random creep doing this. Brings the sense of danger all the more closer.
Rookblonkorules chapter 18 . 2/20
Ah, so Fin is distracted by these murders as well. Honestly, that's no surprise. I'd be feeling pretty distracted too.
I feel like it says a lot about her that she's willing to tell Negan no. He doesn't seem like an easy person to say no to.
Rookblonkorules chapter 17 . 2/20
Is Amber Raya's alias? That's what I'm guessing.
I already knew the killer was a misogynistic creep, but this chapter confirms it. His disgust when he looks at those women- he sees them as less than himself. I'm wondering if that's because they're women or if it's because they're whores or if it's because they're Negan's wives or a mix of all three. You have managed to make me deeply concerned for Fin though.
I did like the detail that showed us that Negan treats her differently than the rest of them.
Rookblonkorules chapter 16 . 2/20
Hmm, maybe it's because you've set the scene so well, but I can't help but feel suspicious of Fat Joey. Technically, he hasn't done anything suspicious except... be there. But that's how tense this story has me. I'm suspicious of nearly everyone. I'm wondering if this is Paul or Negan we're seeing through the eyes of. I like how you don't tell us, although my guess would be Negan. That's entirely based off of the profanity though, so I think it could also be Paul. Hmm, I don't know either man well enough to make an appropriate guess. Still, gonna run with Negan.
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