Guest chapter 16 . 6/12
I loved the sad/happy ending!
Blondie 20000 chapter 16 . 6/8
This was beautiful. The whole chapter was amazing loved every moment of it. Of course Dean would stay by her side. He wouldn't leave until he knew she was ok. It was sad about the baby but in a way it might be a blessing in disguise. Nelle was abused, drugged and God knows what else and it could have seriously affected the baby. The baby could have been born disabled or have additional needs.

I loved Bobby and Nelle. Bobby does see Nelle like a daughter now. Adam was so cute when begging Nelle to stay. The ending part awww Dean finally said it. He loves her. He realises how much he needs her. I love it when Dean is in protective mode. Him being protective over Nelle is just so sweet to see.

This has truly been an amazing story. You done so well on it. Well done Franki you should be proud of yourself. :)
wandertogondor chapter 8 . 6/7
OH MY GOODNESS you're pulling out the big guns with this chapter!
wandertogondor chapter 7 . 6/7
Oh poor poor Nelle! Also, that was such a Dean thing to do my gosh! But I'm so proud of her for communicating and I love the boys helping her open up more
wandertogondor chapter 5 . 6/7
Aww when Dean was holding her hand through it all D: he's so sweeet! And I definitely relate to Nelle asking "are you guys for real or is this some sick joke?" And she was so strong to tell them all about Dave and her dad. Ugh she's stronger than she thinks and now the boys, Bobby, and Jody see it too!
wandertogondor chapter 4 . 6/7
UGH THEY WERE SO SWEET TO HER! My heart can hardly stand it! The boys were so sweet, gentle, and kind even though they found what they did in their trunk. Drugs are such a new element to this universe, and I'm really excited to see how you play it out. Dave is still a pos tho
wandertogondor chapter 3 . 6/7
Awww I'm so glad Bobby let up on his rough and gruff ways to make Nelle feel more comfortable. It was really sweet of him to be so discerning that she was in trouble. That's one of the great things about Bobby :) I can't wait for Nelle to meet the boys!
wandertogondor chapter 2 . 6/7
Oh gosh, I'm so sorry for taking so long to read this! I love where you're taking this. Your writing is so clear, nuanced, and genuine! and realistic, may I add! Poor Nelle!
vrskaandrea chapter 16 . 6/7
Omg, that was just soooo freaking perfect. The perfect ending to this Amazing story.
I said it already, but I have to point out again - that butterfly thing you wrote, that was just beautiful dude. So freaking beautiful, poetic. I loved it.
And yeah, I might have helped with the ending a bit, but if you go back to the entire chapter - you were pretty much saying it the whole time. It isn't just that she needs them, they all need her too. Dean especially.
Congrats, dude, you delivered one helluva story.
Secretwrittenword chapter 16 . 6/7
That was a good final chapter. It’s sad about the baby but I’m glad they declared their love in the end.
beckini chapter 15 . 5/11
So GOOD! I LOVES IT! What a compellingly told story. I am so happy to have found your work.
Blondie 20000 chapter 15 . 5/3
This was awesome. Loved every moment of it. Brilliant chapter. Action packed from the start to finish. Dave wetting himself is hilarious. The banter between Claire and Dean was funny.

I really love how you showed the fangs coming out of Dave's gums. I loved the way you wrote that. Bill's death was so satisfying.

Jody was so badass. I laughed when she said "Through the front door dumbass ." Ha ha that is so Jody.

The famous scary Sam Winchester. *Grins wide* Asian Man was screwed. Lol.

Loved the fight scene between Dave and Dean and I was like yesss when Nelle jumped in to try to save Dean.

I was expecting Dean to kill Dave. Sam was a surprise but I liked it. Dave had no chance against the sasquatch lol.

Yay Dave is finally dead woo hoo.

Poor Dean he would blame himself for Nelle's injures. :(

Again awesome chapter look forward to more..
Secretwrittenword chapter 15 . 5/3
Yay Dean has Nelle back, unfortunately a bit worse for wear. I hope she and the baby will be okay. That’s a lot of trauma for one person to go through.
That vamp was right to fear Sam Winchester. He should have run earlier when he had the chance and not stayed around to watch the action. Silly vampire, when will they learn?
wandertogondor chapter 1 . 4/29
WOAH what an interesting start to this story! Fuck Dave tho
Guest chapter 14 . 4/28
Yes, Dean! Save the day!
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