Reviews for The Course of Love
MangoSunbeams chapter 59 . 19h
Love all the Ladrian!
yellow 14 chapter 59 . 10/18
Is the cause the same though?

Very good, keep updating
BrokenUniverse92 chapter 59 . 10/18
This was just amazing, aw my heart. PS, friend yeah sufre, just a friend, nothing to sed here
friendrat chapter 31 . 7/2
That bonus though!
friendrat chapter 30 . 7/2
If you have trouble writing one word instead of another, you could check to see if your word processor has the option to replace words. So you could write "biscuits" as you're actually writing, and then go in and hit the replace all button (or whatever it is) to swap "cookies" with "biscuits".

Could you imagine how much trouble Adrien would get in if he had Tikki? Like, with how strict his life is, there's no way he could get away with keeping her in sweets! Anyway, very cute! Love how they eat an entire plate of cookies basically without realizing.
friendrat chapter 24 . 7/1
Yay! There was more!
friendrat chapter 14 . 7/1
Ok, I would read the heck out of a longer version of this one!
Etoile-Lead-Sama chapter 58 . 6/25
J'adore. La situation est vraiment drôle et la manière dont la révélation se produit encore plus. J'adore tout ce que tu écris, vraiment.
J'ai une demande : c'est mon anniversaire le 10 juillet, pourrais tu écrire pour ce jour un one-shot quo comporte du Marichat puis une révélation et se termine en Adrinette avec un bisous quelqu'un soit sauf sur la joue ? Apres si c'est pas possible, c'est pas grave mais qui ne tente rien n'a rien comme on dit et comme j'adore ce que tu écris, ça me ferait vraiment plaisir que tu postes quelque chose ce jour là
Sinon vivement ton prochain chapitre où ta prochaine histoire.
Bon courage et à très bientôt j'espère
Bisous miraculeux
JuliaFC chapter 58 . 6/25
Awwwwwwww this is such a beautiful story and it flows so effortlessly! I like how Adrien tries to warn her about her earrings but then keeps his mouth shut when he realised how oblivious she is of the beeps... probably hoping that she will forget and he will discover her identity lol... then the whole hair tangled in the zipper situation is hilarious XD. That's one of the strangest reveals that I have read, but written masterfully! Thank you xxx
Guest chapter 7 . 6/25
Adorable! Charming! Have made my morning.
writeringoodfaith chapter 57 . 6/25
SO MANY QUESTIONS. But the art of leaving them answered is a fine one indeed. The reader in me still longs to know the answers. I liked this one a lot too. His question/demand. And his reticence and comforting of her. He’s the purest and deserves the whole world.
writeringoodfaith chapter 58 . 6/24
This was the absolute cutest! I loved how it was a bit longer than usual. And Ladrien, the under appreciated ship. I love how you captured them both. So gooood. In the third last line you’ve got the wrong your. Otherwise, happily awaiting your next drabble. I absolutely love them!
yellow 14 chapter 58 . 6/24
Very cute. Weird, but cute. Keep updating
Amydali86 chapter 57 . 6/23
I love your funny drabbles more than your angsty ones, but this one was not bad.
Amydali86 chapter 56 . 6/23
I love it!
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