Reviews for Hope For Every Fallen Man
waitingforAslan chapter 1 . 9/16/2019
Great job in starting with a scene from the episode and then making it your own, taking it in a new (but believable) direction. I thought you conveyed very well Dean's utter anguish at what they were going to have to do in order to save Cas from himself (the way Sam needed to be cured of his demon blood addiction and later Dean from being a demon). I liked how you had the characters grapple with the concept of free will (Castiel kept insisting it was his right to choose because he was blinded to the consequences of his choices). I like that both Dean and Sam (and Bobby too) were involved, that it wasn't just between Dean and Castiel. Castiel's growing fear was palpable, and his panic and grief as he lost his grace was powerful. I think I almost gasped when he started begging that he would obey if they would just stop. That was truly Castiel the ANGEL talking; he didn't understand that they weren't trying to force him to OBEY but rather were trying to save him from himself, but, as an angel, he only understood obedience and punishment. At that point in his panic he was discarding any claims he made to free will and promising to follow orders; it was so sad.

I like how you conveyed that Dean deeply cared but also how he often hides emotions like fear, love, and desperation behind anger. I also liked how Castiel stayed got over his initial utter wretchedness but was still incredibly angry at his friends until he realized what Raphael had done and how he couldn't control the Leviathans. Then Cas really repented, horrified at what he was going to do. And his repentance was met with total forgiveness! I loved it!
VegasGranny chapter 1 . 9/15/2019
an intense view of what it's like to be suddenly human when you've held immense power in your hands before. And the support of family. Fantastic!
Leopard1 chapter 1 . 9/15/2019
This is great! The beginning scene is one of my faves from s6! Your idea is so unique and executed excellently. I liked how each Winchester and Bobby helped Cas in some way. I look forward to reading more of your work in the future. :D