Reviews for The things we do for love
SetoRJK-Kaiba chapter 12 . 9/11
I’m glad you are okay. I just wanted to say I really like this story and I hope you can continue it. It’s really cute and interesting. I like this ship and I hope that Naraku isn’t up to anything too bad. Thanks again and I hope you can update soon.
Casey525 chapter 11 . 8/4
Love this
Taraah36 chapter 12 . 8/1
Thank you for being an amazing author and taking constructive criticism so well! I love that you took the time to explain Rin's actions. It really shows that you appreciate us readers.

Now, our favorite couple being caught in a heated make out session was hilarious. Of course Naraku had to spoil it. I'm glad Rin has Sesshomaru now though, he will let nothing befall our beloved Rin.

Update soon!
SessRinLover chapter 12 . 8/1
Uh Oh more drama on the way, I wonder how bad this situation with Naraku is going to get and how will Sesshomaru and Inuyasha handle this along with their relationships with Kagome and Rin?

Well this was short but good and will definitely look forward to another great chapter, so please update again soon, TTFN.
SessRinLover chapter 11 . 7/26
Well that was dramatic, I wonder why Rin is so upset yeah they slept together rather quickly but sometimes as corny as it sounds love at first sight happens and that is the case for these two, hopefully things will get straightened out and they can move forward with their relationship and take the time to truly and deeply get to know each other.

Pretty please keep the awesome updates comin I really missed seeing regular updates the last couple of month's, this has been a really great story so far and cannot wait to see more, TTFN.
Taraah36 chapter 11 . 7/26
So wait did he feel content or contempt, once he looked at her neck? I can't really picturing him looking at his mark on her in contempt.

Update soon! I need more!
Taraah36 chapter 10 . 6/27
I love it! What will happen now that they are mated? It seems with his power protecting her no one else will be able to get to her supernaturally. Update soon! Those evil bastards need to pay for what they did to Rin and the other girls in that orphanage.
Natalie.Delena.Rumbelle chapter 10 . 5/27
Please update soon I am in love with this story. You are so talented
Casey525 chapter 10 . 4/5
Great job!
SessRinLover chapter 10 . 3/29
YAY another great chapter, and with a sexy twist I thought they would take a little more time, but oh well it was bound to happen sooner or later.

Once again a fabulous chapter and can't wait for another, and I hope you will grace your fans with more of your captivating writing, well until the next time.

And happy to hear your feeling better, being sick even if it's just a little always sucks, so to know that your sickness is gone is good to know.
Taino Delsan13 chapter 9 . 3/24
Looks like the brother found thier mates.
How did naraku get to Tin with been next to her? Did he left her somthing in her body that he can get to her without knowing?

Thank you for updating hope you feel better
677art chapter 9 . 3/20
Love it! Thank u for the fast updates
Teesmith chapter 9 . 3/20
I'm sorry your sick, I will be waiting for the next chapter. Get well soon
SessRinLover chapter 9 . 3/19
Good update and incredibly fast as well happy to see another so soon, and hope you get over your sickness as fast as possible as well.

Well until next time and take it easy and get plenty of rest, catch ya later.
x3Pokki chapter 8 . 3/18
Ahh the fluff is making my blush
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