Reviews for Harry Potter and the Twin Dilemma
Guest chapter 33 . 8/8
In your description you have hermione if very prominent instead of is very prominent...
bkerrmom1 chapter 33 . 8/5
Excellent chapter ! I am looking forward to seeing what comes next ! I am looking forward to seeing Luna enter the story!
Sable Dawn chapter 33 . 8/3
Hermione's great-grandmother was a squid...?, Splatoon crossover confirmed.
Jupp chapter 7 . 8/3
Always amazes me how very hard it is to write Hermione as anything other than an insufferable, overbearing twat.
Flame Wolfe chapter 33 . 8/2
A lot happened in this chapter I didn’t expect The Goyle and Peverell to be connected This was a good chapter and looking forward to the next one
Shifuru chapter 5 . 8/1
Mmm, them plot device from the past chapters and now is annoyingly forced. Ugh. Dropped.
fhl1234 chapter 32 . 7/23
Wonderfully written fanfic.
Lelouch of Zero chapter 32 . 7/20
You’re really good at hit those emotional buttons, I’ve been tearing up throughout most of this chapter. It’s good to see the entirety of all the families coming together, slowly but surely. Despite how heavy this chapter was, it was extremely good.
Flame Wolfe chapter 32 . 7/20
Really good chapter! I am excited for the next one :)
Lelouch of Zero chapter 31 . 7/16
This has been a fantastic story thus far, and it has been an absolute pleasure to read. Your attention to detail has been pretty on point and the characters interactions have blended together nicely. I look forward to seeing how many more waves, Edmund’s birth, creates and how he will continue to affect everything around him and beyond.
Flame Wolfe chapter 31 . 7/14
I enjoy this chapter! I’m really looking forward to the next one
Flame Wolfe chapter 30 . 7/11
I really enjoyed this chapter! and I enjoy the Edmund And Hermione scene and It looks like Quirrell Capture them

I am really looking forward to the next chapter
marebear8484 chapter 29 . 7/2
I really like how this story has developed, can’t wait to read more.

But...when is the Sirius situation going to be addressed? They now know he wasn’t the secret keepers
marebear8484 chapter 28 . 7/2
Oh no auntie min!

Dumbledore is one twisted sob.
marebear8484 chapter 27 . 7/2
Okay, that contract didn’t last long, lol. Still a great chapter
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