Reviews for Your Light in the Dark
MariaMercedes chapter 8 . 6/21
Please never stop writing, you have the best Thrandui-Legolas relationship
IceElf chapter 23 . 6/20
I don’t usually write reviews but THIS really needed one. I’ve read TONS of fanfics and there might be only 3 of them that really had a deep impact on me. Yours is gonna be the 4th I guess. To be brief it was beautiful. I can’t find any better words because English is not my first language. I enjoyed every single word of it. I could tell you’ve put lots of effort in every line. No words were written in vain. They all had a purpose and I loved it. Thank you so much. Please write more. I can’t wait for your next work. Best of luck to you!
Ruiniel chapter 23 . 6/13
In a previous review some time ago I said I would revert and read the content you had added from your abandoned story 75 here. Intriguing, I do enjoy the character interactions and how you built the dynamics of their group. Thank you and Stay well
marypoppin chapter 1 . 5/4
I really enjoy your fic.
Shenkoyr chapter 21 . 4/29
Really love the way how they reach out for each other! They are so different yet value and respect their differences. May I translate your works into Chinese and share this fabulous story on LOFTER?
lastseventh chapter 23 . 4/28
HI!Congratulations on another complete wonderful work!
I recommand this to my friend, who finished reading and said to me that this Glorfindel reminds her of the Mr. Knightley in Jane Austin's Emma. Long life experience, mature, calmly watching. And Legolas the independant,proactive and light Emma. Hahaha, I agreed then, but of cause it's not really that very much alike, in my opinion, it's always a delight to see someone calm and wise like Glorfindel falling in deep love. (his words to legolas, like "because I'm on my knees... they are the least of you...I'm out of your league", those are sweet and classic.) This is a character written in the hands of one who's experienced and mature. The way you express the relationship and communication between different human and elves is... how can I say, master technique. And this might be the real likeness between Emma and Your Light in the Dark.
The reason I say "different human and elf" is because I find your Aragorn in later chapters very different from Glorfindel, is there a possibility that Legolas and Aragorn might have a relationship like Legolas and Tauriel? You know, the not yet love relationship. This is kind of important to me, for I always think Glorfindel lacks the desire of possession(I can say the same thing about Legolas). Even when he fears(or feels?) he might be replaced by Aragorn, he acts very cool. And compared to that, Aragorn is the human, the friend who will interfere in Legolas's decision: when he found it necessary to help Legolas become normal, he forced Legolas to stay at room. Yes, he fears, cares, and he interferes, and Legolas lets him. Glorfinder always let Legolas makes his own choice.
And that's why I also love the last three chapters. They really need something like the love letter extremely short of words(hahaha I love this little joke Aragorn made)to miss each other. In their long long life.
And a wonderful suprise to read about the friendship between those three walkers.
Don't know if you will write another Aragorn/legolas. In a light and advanturous mood..or something like this.
Oh I have so much to say, and your Thranduil is also multileveled, I can't praise more, I should improve my English firstly! HAHAHA Anyway, I find two other new updates. I'm going to make some tea and enjoy them, exciting!
Thank you for your amazing work!
Eaze chapter 23 . 4/24
I’m so glad they have a happy ending! Thank you.
AnImaginist chapter 23 . 4/18
So I had to re-read the entire story form start to finish so it could officially sink in: the amazing tale that has taken me on one of the most fantastic journeys I could hope for has come to a spectacular conclusion. There were so many intricacies throughout all the chapters, tiny threads that tied each chapter together with subtle nuances made the story even more breathtaking.

A few of my favourites...
The first time Glorifindel spoke with Thranduil and describing him as sunset, while Legolas was dawn. And then several more chapters in as Legolas and Glorifindel sat above the tree tops, Glorifindel confessing his preference for the sunrise. The festival where their flames became one and they were each other’s light. The heartbreaking revelation by Legolas that any time they have together or any time moving forward at all is considered stolen time...

This story is heartbreaking and the ending is no less so. It wasn’t loud or filled with pure joy at the end of the war, but rather you painted the reality of the hardships and bittersweet victory. The price they paid to reach peace was high but our heroes acknowledge it and are just grateful to have each other and the memories. Which is also why it’s still heartbreaking know that Legolas’ pain will continue in a completely new form of suffering and torture altogether - thankfully he has Glorifindel with him now.

Honestly thank you again for sharing this beautiful story. Your ability to describe these scenes and to take us a long this journey is a gift and one I’m so appreciative of, especially during these times. My mind is still racing with the story, particularly at the heartbreaking past of Legolas’ brother and mother’s fate. The way you can give a character so much depth and add to their backstory in such a believable manner leaves me breathless. My words don’t do justice the work you have shared but please know you have a fan and supporter in me always.
Tobiramamara chapter 20 . 4/18
Jeeezz, even Thranduil. This has an effect on Thranduil. What is wisdom? To cling to hope or kill hope and danger in advance. I love that there is hardly an answer to that solution. You manage to sympathize still with both option. Even if we realize that Legolas would be gone if Thranduil would have found him... And I cried at the end. My light in the dark.
Tobiramamara chapter 18 . 4/18
You will lose him in the woods! But this is Glorfindel! Our golden light in dark times... And he saves the day, but the damage is done! What a bitter fate this is! How will this be solved?

Legolas' sheer will power to live is palpable. You have no doubt as a reader that he will not die.

This story, with all its story tentacles is grasping into one beautiful complete epic drama. I am amazed how you thought this up and how well it works. All parts of the puzzle are slowly falling into place and the hurt, emotion, love, sadness is so well written that I feel them all.
Tobiramamara chapter 17 . 4/18
Ok. I have no words for this. Wat a dramatic turn of events. And this will surely cause a rift between Legolas and Glorfindel. I feel stuck in a Shakespeare drama! Pfffffffff...
Tobiramamara chapter 16 . 4/18
Not only their different ideas on this issue will clash, now also their love is getting in the way. so many levels that you are operating on. Quite impressive. Then we move on and get the ultimate complication. Just... jesus! How did you come up with this! Unbelievable, my heart was thundering in my throat. You have bult up to this moment very cunningly. Not only Glorfindel's love, but also his companions! They all love him in their own way. How can they escape this deadlock?
And good that this orc is intelligent. It makes this scene even more chilling. I can feel the wound in my stomach... I do not dare to move... !
Tobiramamara chapter 15 . 4/18
On chapter 14: Haha! They are both stumbling about like teenagers with this new thing. Love the fact that Glorfindel is slightly embarrassed that he is claimed. The cutie. Beautiful how Legolas is opening up more and more to him.
And oh my, what have they done! Those silly sons. Understandable and foolish combined. And now Legolas and Glorfindel will clash, I can see it coming. This is interesting. At first I disliked the fact that the story moved outside of the mirkwood dwelling (let them just be there and find love..) now I see where this is going. Very well done.
On chapter 15: "ah jealousy, there you are" this sentence is nailing it in this chapter. And as a reader I cannot help but feel jealous with him. Poor Glorfindel. My heart goes out to him.
ValTremblay chapter 23 . 4/15
Once again, you made me fall in love with your work. You have such a way with words that gets me every time.. (Sorry btw, even though I read your last chapter the minute I got the notification, I had yet to take time to write a review) You made me cry with this chapter (again) but with joy this time! The end is perfect, just how I wanted their love to be. An imperfect yet perfect love, where they will support each other’s choice no matter the hardships. It pains me to see that you will stop your fanfictions because I LOVED reading your work, but I will get over it don’t worry! I wish you joy and success in your original works (and I’d be happy to read it if you ever publish it somewhere) and also, if you feel like finishing that fanfiction you teased us with at the end, I’ll be one of the first to jump on it! Also, don’t worry about those comments about english not being your first language. English isn’t my first neither and it never stopped me from getting anywhere! You write beautifully and I honestly never noticed anything. Thank you for all those beautiful stories you write! I’ll always be there to read them.
Nurayy chapter 23 . 4/15
A beautiful ending. Sad with the sealonging but so full of love... What an amazing story!
And I am still completely struck by the fact that english is not your first language. Your writing is absolutely brilliant! You have a way with words that leaves me stunned. Your stories are rich and painted with wonderful images and emotions. Breathtaking to say least. English is not my first language as well, and as much as I know that I am not so very good at writing it, I believe I can judge when somebody is writing amazingly. Few can write like this in their own native tongue.
Your stories are a delight. I hope so much to see you post again. Even if they will be shorter stories. I love them too of you :)
And I hope also you may consider posting Ghost Town. It was such a good start. I don't find it would be disrespectful at all. It is just dealing with a difficult situation we are now all experiencing. But surely it is your personal decision if you decide to post or not. Allow me to hope.
I wish you also succes with your original work.
Stay well! And I hope we soon will hear again from you. (So many hopes... I know :))
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