Reviews for What was Once Lost is Found Anew
WhiteElfElder chapter 7 . 7/14
There is no way they got into and out of Odin's hunting grounds without being noticed; more like they were let alone or used for being tracked back.
Blaizz74 chapter 7 . 7/12
The new chapter was worth waiting for! Can't wait for more!
N. A. Wennerholm chapter 5 . 7/9
Odin needs to be spanked and lectures about his wrongdoing. Lies don't do anyone any good it only causes harm. Frigga needs to learn to be harsh with Odin in fact with what is going on she needs to take over the throne and start making serious changes to that of Asgard and That of the Aesir Culture.

As for Frigga be Harry's great grandmother Harry can call her nana that is what I called my great grandmothers. Thus my grandmother was called grandma.

As for Odin and his bullshit he is very deserving of having a good drift kick in the ass by Loki and his wife. I know every time my father wronged me and my brother we had the tight to kick him in the ass or as dad put it kick him in the pants. I so want to see Odin punished for his wrongdoing and lues for which was never done in your old version.
Kitsune Obsessed Freak chapter 7 . 7/9
My prediction is that I'll follow this story until the end and enjoy it immensely. That's my prediction!
Blaze1992 chapter 7 . 7/9
Lot of cute and fluff moments though reading about how the kids of Asgard are treated is a little blood boiling.
Kitsune Obsessed Freak chapter 4 . 7/8
Bash away bud. I think it's great
Kitsune Obsessed Freak chapter 3 . 7/8
Nice! Good start for a story. I enjoyed it
welcome007 chapter 7 . 7/8
lynarizsajise1 chapter 5 . 5/16
Can’t wait for an update!
stefanus313 chapter 5 . 5/5
thank you for the story, it's very heartwarming and good,i'm looking forward for more releases,wish u all the best
aradia1967 chapter 6 . 4/30
love this story please update when you can
robert32514 chapter 6 . 4/7
Hope for more
StarGoldFang chapter 6 . 4/7
Nyah. That's happening. Don't worry.
It's happening to me too, mostly these days.
I think it's like when the mobile network is congested.
ToddGilliss chapter 6 . 4/6
good luck

enjoy the time
Blaze1992 chapter 6 . 4/5
So you are alive and here I thought you quit FF.
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