Reviews for The Wizard's Pleasure
MollyA918 chapter 9 . 6/17
I am IN LOVE with super confident Hermione! This chapter is fantastic and her going off on Minerva is fucking everything! *screaming*
aniklan8 chapter 1 . 1/31
beccasullivanwrites1 chapter 13 . 1/26
Moooooore! So darling, and I loved the Headmistress Showdown Special!
beccasullivanwrites1 chapter 4 . 1/26
I am roooolling at the picture of Snape and McGonagall having THAT particular discussion...
queer-space-mermaid chapter 1 . 1/13
Firstly, you have a really nice descriptive style, and everything flows nicely. The first couple of sentences instantly painted a picture that I sucked me straight into the setting.

Next, the idea of Hermione writing erotic fiction and Minerva being a huge fan is a hilarious premise. *stomps feet* Let! Minerva! Be sexual! Let! Minerva! Be sexual! I also liked that Minerva was heading for retirement, please, let the lady rest.

Maybe something to improve on would be her Minerva's dialogue, as it seemed slightly out of character. She usually seems to me to be shorter and more reserved. I'm thinking I get that feeling because she's talking to Hermione more like a confidante than a student, but that might be what you're going for.

Oh my god, why is Snape hiding in the shadows! He was there all along? Wild. The little bromance going on between Minerva and Severus is quite amusing. And they seem to bond over trashy fic, what a delight.

There were some nice little details throughout that gave the world depth too, like the doors being hard to open. And the story being written on parchment.
MistressRoth chapter 13 . 12/4/2019
Let it be Good! I have devoured this (and I really needed the sleep last night) but I am so consumed by these two. Thanks for sharing!
Kirida chapter 13 . 12/4/2019
Stacy Hunt chapter 13 . 11/24/2019
Frustrated. Really good story really got into it, but awful lot of cliffies though. Wanting more so I go with good vine.
iPod reader chapter 13 . 11/14/2019
What ever you have not planned. Let the characters work their magic
neverest chapter 13 . 11/11/2019
This was a very interesting read. I hope there will be more :)
Tempest E. Dashon chapter 13 . 11/11/2019
Okay Moonbeam...I'm gonna need a bucket. All that badger-y sweetness in the beginning has made me feel ill. Especially after the heart break from First Snow. My badger has fled the scene and is not around to help contain the ick factor of all that ooey gooey goodness..Narnia HG the only Slytherin piece of Dash left I must protest...vehemently!
Lord where did you go to get your descriptions this time. I was like turgid tower of...well oh my! I was sad to see the aching rod of his...well you know...did not find its way into her warm, wet lady cave too. But a little lemon icing will do for now I guess lol.

You know I am side eyeing you over bringing in the peacock! The fact that he started that conversation as an ass only proves to me he is an asshat! Though at least he is going to be nice now that she saved his ass and she is married to Severus. I hope HG keeps him on his heels too. Lord I cannot see her and Narcissa sitting down for tea and lunch...there is gonna be a third war lol.

Vine's office as so very her...all that green and earth and magic. Jeez Vine why don't you just ruin all the good feels with your divination and scary threats. I say we take the fairy apart starting at her wings! *puts together a mob*
Considering I am not okay with anymore sadness or heartbreak I am going to go with Good Vine and those two are gonna stay bonded. I may walk away if they get split...I can't do anymore Ward-like stories...

*shuffles off to find some HEA somewhere*
justsam2012 chapter 13 . 11/10/2019
Good vine please!
ZoeyOlivia chapter 13 . 11/10/2019
Gah! That poor fairy is playing with her life! Those tempers!
Guest chapter 13 . 11/9/2019
Good Vine!

Update asap
RAV3N R1PP3R chapter 13 . 11/10/2019
Good Vine. (Hehe) loved the update hun! More please.
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