Reviews for We Need to Talk About Jeanie
Me chapter 8 . 5/26
Great story so far. I'm excited to see what happens !
citylily chapter 8 . 4/24
Ooh and the plot thickens! Thanks for the new part. I'm really curious now into what Jeannie got herself involved in before her death.
FearlessShawn chapter 6 . 4/12
I can't wait to see what happens when Shawn finds out his Aunt Jeanie was murdered. We've seen how he behaved when Henry was shot. So I hope to see a glimpse of bamf Shawn with this story. Loving everything so far.
citylily chapter 7 . 11/23/2019
Classic move and totally deserved. What a rude jerk.

Love Andi poking holes in Shawn's schtick. And I caught the little nod to the three hold punch(er) joke ;).

Andi really is very cool with how she changed the tire and dealt with the self-centered businessman.

I also agree with her- TMNT was the best! Though Michelangelo was my favourite followed by Leonardo because he had the swords. And of course Shawn the RL party dude would connect with Michaelangelo.

(Though I do also love Thundercats- Cheetahra was the best. And so is the theme song.)

Very amusing how Gus tried to pass his mother's car as his own. And also: White Noise as a future nickname for Shawn! hahahahaha
citylily chapter 6 . 11/23/2019
Gotta love how innocent Buzz is. Can't wait to see what Jules has in store for Henry. Even though I too disapprove of what Henry did, it was impressive.

Here's hoping the ex boyfriend can give them some info!
citylily chapter 5 . 11/22/2019
Yes, Baby Love is a good, catchy song (playing in my head now).

I love the little tidbit of Gus debating Gus treat from the vending machine. I figured he'd go qith the three musketeers bar and I was right! Also totally reminded me of him having a 'threesome' with two Twix bars hah.

So like Shawn to use movie references for the possible scenarios, but so dark to go with the Penguin from Batman Returns!

And yes Gus you know full well that Shawn copied the real file when he was snooping around. Stick with your plausible deniability.

Nice touch having Gus date a midwife ao he could comment knowingly about what Shawn is figuring out.

I'm having a bad feeling that Ken was more nefarious to Barbie (ie Jeannie) and fled the scene leaving the baby there. Was this by where her body was found?

And oh Shawn it's more important than you realize ..
Dianne chapter 7 . 10/27/2019
Another really good chapter. I like McNabb so I hope he doesn't get in trouble for not suspecting Henry more when he found him in Juliet's car. Shawn will have to be careful with Andi, she seems bold and her body language with the balled fist might be tell tale to a hidden motive to find her birth parents. Nicely written mystery there. I'm looking forward to more. Thanks for writing.
shules 4 ever chapter 1 . 10/16/2019
its desribtion is incorrect it is just when shawn is a little boy juliets not in it at all
citylily chapter 4 . 10/4/2019
Ooh did not realize it was before Lassie did a bad bad thing! Will this story end up blending into that episode?

Anyway, I say the case is in good hands with Jules in charge. Looking forward to seeing how Henry manages to continue investigating. And when Shawn finds out (because we all know he will), he's going to feel so betrayed.

Looking forward to the next installment.
citylily chapter 3 . 10/4/2019
Yes, it's very impressive.

So I'm guessing this new client will end up being Jeannie's baby or at least part of what she was involved in when she was thrown off the cliff?

Banter was nice, but needed some more competitive flirting. hee

As someone who went through grad school I appreciate you having Shawn giving her a break on the costs.
Dianne chapter 3 . 9/29/2019
I really like how you are portraying Shawn and Gus, they're very in character. Their new client is intriguing and it will be interesting to see if her case has anything to do with what Henry found in his attic. Looking forward to reading more, thanks for writing
citylily chapter 2 . 9/25/2019
Ooh! This feels like A Nancy Drew mystery- I love it. Wondering when Shawn will get called in on the case?

Love how thorough Henry is ensuring that that note's handwriting indeed does not match.

And while helpful yo the case here, I can't help but laugh at that scene where Shawn forged his father's signature and the Principal took his side because he took a graphology course! "The way you do your 'n' humps tells me you have an open and child-like nature." Hee hee
citylily chapter 1 . 9/23/2019
Ooh very interesting! I love mysteries so consider me on board for the ride. :)