Reviews for The Eagle and The Rose
joeyginise chapter 2 . 7/23
Not gonna lie, that last bit was kinda dumb. But whatever, you do you.
ATP chapter 2 . 7/19
what that angel did,when prussian genocided Herero in Africa ? or beat to death polish
children in WrzeĊ›nia ?
ATP chapter 2 . 7/19
where are bavarian and saxonian troops ? in 1914 they still were partially free,even id
prussian conqered them before.
TorstenL chapter 1 . 7/14
Hello there!
Thanks for this fine Story and your work!
I have some questions: You wrote Keizer instead of Kaiser why? And Wiliam is English for Wilhelm.
I am German and ask you do you write german words different or is it a dialect? Its only a question no critic.
xXBlazey101Xx chapter 2 . 7/13
Interesting but I do see some grammar and spelling mistakes, I recommend fixing them and maybe slowing down the pace a small bit
Guest chapter 2 . 6/2
ATP chapter 2 . 5/31
Why change so much ? Germany would win in 1914,if they do not fucked up Schielfen plan
Change that,and Germany would win without USA.
Germany start and lost WW1/just like WW2/ thanks to their own that,and they win.
BravoSix1311 chapter 1 . 5/29
you should just reference it to kaiserreich because that alternate universe is more well thought
itsFAX chapter 2 . 5/28
Loving how original it is. Keep on going.
jonshinra123 chapter 1 . 5/28
chapters are too short.
Eddie199 chapter 2 . 5/27
All Hail the German Empire!
wolfpackrwby88 chapter 2 . 5/27
I could've sworn that this 2nd chapter has been here for a while, but...

Well, lets just hope you update again soon...
Proud-Firebrand chapter 2 . 5/27
This story has very good potential... But more effort needs to be put into this story from the author, I know you probably dont have time to write more details in the story because you also have a life, BUT you can always take it slow. We dont care here if you take a month to write a new chapter, just so we can enjoy a well detailed, and thought out story, the way you write right now glosses over alot of things which I know youve thought of but too lazy to address(dont lie, cuz I know because Ive been there) or you havent actually thought out this entire story which I refuse to believe.

P.S. I dont like to criticise people, but potential can only manifest itself to a promising talent if it is challenged... I hope the next chapter will be better, I can really the potential in this and in you keep trying you can do it..
wolfpackrwby88 chapter 1 . 10/9/2019
Ok, decent start, but you either need a beta to check before you post, or you need to remember to activate spellcheck... Your grammar was poor in some places, and you had completely wrong words in others...

Lets see how well you do with chapter 2...
UH-60 NIGHTSTALKER chapter 1 . 9/25/2019
Honestly, ithe would have been nice to have more backround in this Imperial Germany.

This chapter sounds super rushed and lacks detail that would give the reader a General idea just what Imperal Germany is like when it his attacked or how the world at large views Germany after WW2.

After reading this chapter, I see little reason to invest any time or energy following it.
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