Reviews for The Aliens Next Door
Scarecrow345 chapter 21 . 8/2
Happy belated birthday. I procrastinated hard on this review for no good reason. Didn't mind the gap between chapters. I always look forward to each one. What I liked about this chapter is the conflict between Zim and Dib plus the inner conflict with Skoodge. The fact that you had the former school president recovering from the ordeal was a nice touch. Zim and Gir's brotherly moments are also adorable. I can definitely see that's how Zim would react in the end. As always, I'll be reading.
Guest chapter 21 . 7/27
I hope tak will still be an Irken
EarthPup chapter 21 . 7/24
Yay! A new chapter! Also happy late birthday! When I saw that this chapter was about Class President Electing I immediately thought of the chapter in the comics where Zim and Dib were competing. But I was wrong! It's always cool to be introduced to a new character! And wow, Skoodge might be a genius on Einstein's level. I'd never think to mess around with the wires and stuff! Also I think you read my minds cause when I was wondering where Red and Purple were, they appeared! Same thing with Gaz. Speaking of her, I kinda miss learning about Vortians and other aliens. But it's cool seeing Dib learn about Earth, too! I think this was a really fun and tense chapter. And wait did you actually read my story- (0-0)
EarthPup chapter 20 . 7/11
Hi! I'm sorry if I worried you about me forgetting about your series ( cause I get that feeling a lot when I write ). I like this chapter. It's not my favorite, but I like it a lot. My favorite parts in your story are the wholesome ones, and I think this is one of the most wholesome endings to your chapter. Zim and Gir are so realistic, I'm surprised that this is still inspired off the show! They feel so original, and I love that! Also, didn't you mention that Zim's dad's uncle have this allergy in The Misadventures of a Project Child? If so, I'm happy I got the connection! Also, congrats on 20 chapters! You work super hard for people you barely know! I love that. Thank you for blessing us with your writing skills. Okay, have a nice day!
Scarecrow345 chapter 20 . 7/6
Another fun chapter. I could feel a lot of tension in this one. With Dib rushing while being chased and Zim's overall panic. Torque constantly saying skateboard was enjoyably funny. Dib giving Torque a peace offering was nice. Another look at Zim's stubbornness at the end there, along with Gir being extremely adorable. As a side, hope the interview went well. I'll be reading.
EarthPup chapter 19 . 6/9
Ah, finally! I had time to read your latest chapter! Okay, let's talk about the things I liked! Everything. Okay, now the things I loved! I was so worried for Dib when I slowly realized his molting was coming sooner and sooner. Zim and Dib helping each other like the best pals that they are! I kinda wish we got this friendship stuff more in the show. Also, Gir is like the cutest lil guy ever! My other sis actually voices him when we read so we usually call her to do it (oops too much info). We actually gave Count Cocoafang a Romanian accent, cause we didn't know how to do a Hungarian one. I really enjoyed this chapter! If you could ever sell fanfiction, you'd be a millionare! Anyway, have a nice day!
Scarecrow345 chapter 19 . 6/3
I'm loving all the warning signs until Dib finally takes a hint. I also saw your theory on most of the grown-up's being planned ahead of time and I can definitely see it. Very introspective of Dib to see himself in Bill. Kinda depressing if Zim wasn't an alien in the main series. Always nice to see Zim still has Dib's back. I'll be reading.
windchaosdemon chapter 18 . 5/21
quick question, I don't know if you've been asked this or not, but are there any shippings in this series?
Scarecrow345 chapter 18 . 5/13
Again, Zim's childness being emphasized is adorable, along with Gir. Having both Zim's interact was also enjoyable. Dib contemplating is always fun. Gaz getting him that was sweet. Great chapter. You stay safe as well. I'll be reading.
EarthPup chapter 18 . 5/11
Sorry, I forgot I wasn't on my account ' the guest is actually me!
Guest chapter 18 . 5/10
After days of endless homework I finally had time to check if a new chapter appeared. And it did! (so I screamed... I need to calm down...) Okay, now to talk about what I liked. I think this chapter is one of the funniest ever! Seeing two Zims deny everything was hilarious! It kinda reminded me of the tsundere x tsundere but without love. While reading the chapter, I was worrying so much about Zim and my sis (who reads with me) said to stop cause I look like Dib when I do it... Hehe... We also do the voices so my sis literally screamed with herself doing a Zim voice. I was kinda sad that we didn't get to see what Gir did with Skoodge, but I understand why you didn't write that part, because I'm actually writing too... It's called Life of Spike if you wanna read it! I'm also really happy to see drawings that others did with your story! (if only I could post some of mine somewhere...) Anyway, thank you for giving us this funny chapter and that you inspired me to write my own series, too! Have a nice day!
Scarecrow345 chapter 17 . 4/25
Another fun chapter. I love Gir's concern for Zim and when he makes him comfort food. It took me a minute, but Red and Purple's route is in a straight line, before Zim hijacks them. Derek was an entertaining foil to the boys. The Resisty's debut and appearance were cool. I really liked the ring toss joke. Having Meef as Gir's friend was a cool connection. Zim's panic at the end was great. I'll be reading.
EarthPup chapter 17 . 4/22
Oh my god. It's my first time when I ever get noticed by a writer. AND IT'S MY FAVORITE ONE, AT THAT! I actually screamed when I saw the new chapter appear and then I screamed even more when I realized I got a reply. I usually read these chapters right after you post so I think I'm the first to write lol. Anyway, this chapter is easily one of my favorites ( even if it doesn't include Dib or Gaz ). I love Red and Purple's interactions especially here. You seem to reflect their personality perfectly so it actually feels like watching the show. Also Zim is just so adorable when he's with Gir. I was actually a bit confused at first why you made them related but after reading more, it matches alot! And I loved the Resisty and also Derek. You make the best fanfic and we thank you for that!
EarthPup chapter 1 . 4/18
OMG I love it! This story is how I got into fanfiction! It's perfect! Keep up the good work! owo
Scarecrow345 chapter 16 . 4/13
A lot of good stuff in this chapter. Zim's utter excitement for the mech. Larb being a child. Dib's reflection on his childhood. And the irkens making their debut. Really liked that last scene with them. You stay safe as well. I'll be reading.
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