Reviews for Super RWBY RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars (Ft Pokémon)
Supermath33 chapter 5 . 9/6
The electric hitting ground occurred due to the ground type getting wet and due to water conducting electricity, it made it possible for electric type moves to have some effect.
Supermath33 chapter 2 . 9/6
Super RWBY RPG it is the only one just for me. When I play the game I get lost in this place. Then I find out I'm stuck in Geno's maze. Exiting the forest is super simple, all you must do is follow these path tuuurnsss. For the rest of your gaming life.
Guestspirit chapter 27 . 8/1
I ship Machamp and Zoroark after Machamp saved her from the mine cart. I'm surprised she doesn't get mad at him when she sees him flirting with other girls.
ranjira1988 chapter 15 . 5/25
thanks now I cant get the image of Yang in Bowsette cosplay outta my head XD
ranjira1988 chapter 45 . 12/21/2019
Good story.

Honestly I've seen many people try to blend too many worlds together and get overwhelmed
spiraling off track and losing focus because there was too much to cover at once, but you managed to make multiple series work together rather well here and made a interesting story out of it and in my opine thats an accomplishment few achieve with stories like this so well done _
Jacob9594 chapter 45 . 12/16/2019
A great ending to a fun crossover, I have enjoyed every moment of it.
Nan the Keyblade Master chapter 45 . 12/9/2019
Hey, you're welcome!

Inspiration for the win, yo! :D
Nan the Keyblade Master chapter 44 . 12/9/2019
Aww, you're welcome!

Man, that was an awesome battle!
Jacob9594 chapter 44 . 12/9/2019
What an epic final battle of Poke proportions.
Nan the Keyblade Master chapter 43 . 12/6/2019
Hey now, I don't see anything wrong with this! This is Fanfiction, after all. You can basically do whatever the heck you want. Be creative and stuff! I still remember being called out whenever I did something dumb in a fic and i'm like "Guys, chill out, it's just my wonderfully creative imagination at work. Chill!"

I mean, the motto is called "Unleash your imagination" after all! Geez...

Eh, people are weird sometimes.

Sorry, didn't mean to rant like that.
Jacob9594 chapter 43 . 12/6/2019
That Smithy and Metro fight was awesome,as is the appearance of all the Legendary and Deoxys.
Nan the Keyblade Master chapter 42 . 12/4/2019
I had a feeling Mewtwo would've been the last Legendary. This should be fun!
Jacob9594 chapter 42 . 12/4/2019
Shadow Mewtwo is a nice touch. Eternatus and its Eternamax form would give Shadow Mewtwo a Run for its money.
Nan the Keyblade Master chapter 41 . 12/2/2019
Jacob9594 chapter 40 . 12/2/2019
Galarian Weezing was a nice surprise
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